Problem with my streak

@Joshua @Memrisematty


Thanks. Yes because without my streak. im not motivated to keep

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Just logged in to chime in, same thing happened to me, though it is the 3rd time in 2 weeks that it randomly resets, even after confirming the day before.

First reset; lost my 560 day streak. Sent in the usual request, only to have my 10 day streak disappear on me again. Added the extra days on my request, and violá, back to 0 today.

I know its stupid to hold on to a streak, I should be happy that I am finally understanding the language im trying to learn, but damn, its soul-crushing at times.

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Also see this thread:

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Streak reset YET AGAIN! Wish this problem will be eradicated… @ivorbcn. You having these problems too?

That happened to me, and nobody fixed it, so that sucks. WE NEED, our streak to stay motivated, that’s an important fact that memrise should know. FIX OUR STREAK!


But, we just need our streak back

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Somebody solved your problem?

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Maybe we should call an admin to this post

not yet; though I figured out the problem.

I found another thread that was detailing an issue with the android app, where even though the app says you have completed the daily goal (in my case 1400 points), if you hard quit the program, and log back in it only registers 1350 points; just shy of your goal. So even though the program says you have completed the daily task, it in fact registers just under, thus the website declares you missed your goal and you loose your streak.

I have confirmed this event occurring constantly, and ever since I hard quit the app, and log back in I have been able to keep my streak (10 days so far).

I dont think my streak will ever be reset to the original number due to it being reset 3 times - and since the website’s data is correct, the issue is with the android app, so on their records it would indicate that in fact I haven’t completed the streaks I want back.

The thread I was mentioning: is the one Olaf linked to above. (reading through the replies I realised Im duplicating links.

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Thanks so, for the next time ill do more points

In day 21/10/2018 I inadvertently deleted my goal for (Curso Completo de Inglês) full audio - which was one week - so as you might expect I am very annoyed with myself. Is there any way to get this back @MarshallLanguages ? Please!

Thank you.

You can fill out a google form and request your streak to be rolled back, however due to the android bug, its likely they wont get around to doing it for a while.

Im guessing they want to fix the root of the problem and not just “patch” peoples streaks.

#Edit - On that note it seems the reset form has offline at this point in time. Once the page is available again, i’ll link it here.

No creo que puedas recuperarlo, de todas formas. Si estas aprendiendo ingles te recomendaria otro curso de ingles

Thanks for the answer.

I answered the form the same day, but received no response yet!

Hello, which course would you recommend?

October 25
In day 21/10/2018 I inadvertently deleted my goal for (Curso Completo de Inglês) full audio - which was one week - so as you might expect I am very annoyed with myself. Is there any way to get this back @MarshallLanguages ? Please!

Thank you.

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I did not understand your answer.

I saw it on another post (Accidentally deleted goal set) from last year and the problem was solved.
So I thought I might as well get my Streak back.

Hi @Learning_english_md. Sorry for the slow response. Unfortunately I cannot recover your course as once a course is gone, its gone. Will try to make it possible to recover courses as a new feature, but for now. I can’t do anything. Sorry :sob:.