Problem with difficult words function

@Joshua - I’ve noticed that items I got wrong in reviews of Spanish(Spain) 2 today are not being added to my Difficult Words. Is it a :bug:?

Well, it could be :bug: and it could also not be a :bug: .

However, there’s a few information I need to know, to determine whether its actually a :bug: or :no_good: :bug:.

Have these words ever been in your difficult words before? Yes? Did you remove them from your difficult word list manually? If Yes, then these words will no longer appear in your difficult words list.

No? Then we’ll need to do a little bit more digging.

I suggest going into the level list of the word which you deemed difficult. Enter a preview session and arrive at the end of session screen.

The highlighted boxes are the most important part. When the streak above 0, it is most likely not going to be placed in the difficult words list.

I did a test right now on my device and when I got the word incorrect, the streak became -1 and It was marked as difficult.

Hi @Joshua,

Thanks for replying so quickly.

If either of the two items I got wrong today were previously in my difficult words, I wouldn’t have removed them manually. I would have gone into my difficult words area and have reviewed them periodically until my streak was high enough (+4) for them to no longer be counted as difficult words.

I’ll do that test you suggested later (have no time right now) and will let you know the outcome.

Thanks again!

Hi @Joshua,

I ran a preview session on that level list and the two items both showed as “1” and not placed in the difficult words list.

I have since done another review session on that course and made one error. The end session screen showed it as “1” and placed it in the difficult words list. I have kept screenshots if you need to see them.

I love screenshots.


Here you go:

Thank you for the screenshot.

Don’t use preview session. The difficult word and ignore words functionality doesn’t work there. The purpose of preview mode is to check mems and to view the presentation screen.

Normally, after answering incorrectly, you should have a streak of -1. Which places the word into your difficult words list.

If you look at your screenshot, notice your accuracy was 13/14 now its 14/16. Which means you got the test wrong once, then started another session and got it correct once.

You’ll need to get a streak of at least 3 for it to be removed out of your difficult word list automatically.

Hi @Joshua,

OK, but I only did because you asked me to :slight_smile:

Actually, I think I got both the examples in the first screenshot correct twice on first review today. But, then, they came up for review again later in the day and I got both right that time. That may explain the 14/16.

I’m still unclear on why they didn’t get added to my difficult words list following the first (wrong) review today, in the same way that the different example in the second screenshot did.

Apologies for my above comment, I am constantly editing as I feed in more information. It was meant to say “Don’t use the difficult words and ignore words functionality as they don’t work in preview session”, just as a side note.

Why it didn’t get added to your difficult words list is a mystery. I can tell by your first screenshot, the word should had been in your difficult word list. But as you can see, the functionality does work.

Did this issue happen on the website, or were you using a mobile device?

Ah, I thought the only way to reach the end of session review screen via preview was to actually scroll through the level items.

Yes, it’s a mystery why some items don’t get added when others do. I was using the website.

Anyway, don’t spend any more time on it. Thanks for taking a look for me.

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I’ll note this down, please let me know if it constantly happens. Just leave a message in the bug category and I’ll have a look.

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OK. I’ll do that.

Thanks again. Have a great evening!

Hope you don’t mind me moving your discussion here @alanh @Joshua.

No problem. Thanks.

That’s fine. :sheep: