This is not so much a bug as an oversight, unforseen consequence or a [Feature Request].
@MemriseSupport please feel free to move it to wherever you think is appropriate.
On the Android I think I have noticed a change in the way courses with multiple images behave.
When learning, initially I am only shown one image.
There is no way to see alternatives.
While learning (growing the plant) or revising (watering) I can be shown an alternative image that I have seen before.
When I get it wrong, I am only shown the first image again, and not the image I was shown and got wrong, making it harder to learn.
Before, only one image was ever shown, but being shown another image is a great improvement, except I have no way of learning it.
On the web, one can of course ‘swipe’ to see other images.
Examples of courses are nature courses or art (paintings).
Have others noticed this too?
Eg UK Trees - Fruit/Flower Identification