Please could you contact TheOMF about one of his courses

Hi @MemriseSupport,

I have set up this [Course Forum]

but @theomf does not seem to be around but he is Level 14 with over 7 Million points.

I’d like to offer some suggestions for his excellent course or I’d be happy to be a Contributor to this course as I support two other very similar ones (posted as the next response in the Forum thread mentioned above.)

For his profile see :

Many thanks, we have contacted the user with your request, inviting them to review your forum post and accept or deny your contributor request.

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Hi - The course creator has advised they are happy for you to be added as a contributor for: - We have now added you.

If you have questions or would like to contact the course creator in the future, you would need to post the questions in the course forum: [Course Forum] *100 Wonders of the World by TheOMF


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Thank you and @theomf so much.
I am always very respectful to the integrity of anyone’s courses and try to reply promptly to any questions.


If you have questions or would like to contact the course creator in the future, you would need to post the questions in the course forum:

If they are not here on the Forum, then my understanding is that they won’t see the request, so presumably I can address it to the Support Team.

If they are not here on the Forum, then my understanding is that they won’t see the request, so presumably I can address it to the Support Team.

If the request relates to the content of the course, or the request is to provide further contact with the course creator, then the Support Team would not be able to assist you in this scenario. It’s possible the course creator has made the decision not to be involved on the course forum, in which case we would respect that decision.

We would advise you to contribute to the course as you see fit, or create a new course where you are the owner (thus giving you full control).

I hope this helps.


Many thanks for your reply @MemriseMatty .

That’s fine - the question was a general one.

I have no intention of changing the ideology of the course - purely to help.

Any small modifications will be recorded in the Forum.

So far I have added a Description and mentioned I am a Contributor and will be supporting this course.

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