Please can you contact AmmarQ re his flag course

Please can you contact AmmarQ about his flag course:

I have set up this Forum in June 2020 but not had a reply but forgot to follow it up until now.

Thanks DW7

Cc @ale_c @AmmarQ

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Hi @MemriseSupport, any news on this one? He is active on MemRise and has an account here.

Cc @AmmarQ .

Any news @MemriseSupport ?

Cc @AmmarQ

Hi @DW7,

We can see the creator has been active on Memrise recently, so we won’t be able to fulfil the request at this time.

Hopefully @AmmarQ will be able to respond and help further :slightly_smiling_face:



Thanks I agree.

But could you email him and draw this request to his attention?

Perhaps @AmmarQ could reply on the »[Course Forum

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