There is a mistake in PAVC Level 3, Lesson one. The pinyin for the character 嗨 was written with the 4th tone (Hai4), but it is first tone (Hai1). Please make the correction. Awesome course! Thanks a lot for all your hardwork in putting this together oli2904.
Hi Phil, thanks for the kudos!
I’ve updated the entry for 嗨 (pinyin, IME and the audio file)
Oli2904 's course has no audio for lesson 8 word group even though it has a button to listen to the audio it doesn’t work. However every other word group has audio that works. I think it’s a memrise bug. How to fix?
Can you provide a link to the course?
I suspect it’s a problem with those particular audio files on the course, rather than a Memrise bug, if the audio is working on other parts of the course.
The course creator Oli2904 doesn’t seem to be active on this forum, but maybe @Lien (one of the Memrise team) can send them an email to ask if they are still maintaining the course and if so, to check the audio files on level 8.
That’s the first step to trying to sort the issue, but sorry, no easy fix!
I have emailed the creator. I’ll let you know if/when I hear back from them. If you haven’t heard from me by next Tuesday, can you kindly remind me so I can chase it up? Thanks!
Hey~ Thanks for contacting the creator for me. How did it go?
No reply unfortunately… Would you like me to add you as a contributor to the course?
That enables you to edit the course’s content, including audio files.
That would be great. I’ll take some time on the weekend to fix it.
You’re a legend
Aww, thank you!
You’re now a contributor to this course and should see the Edit Course button in the top right of the course page.
Many thanks for your help with improving this course, it’s much appreciated!
Hi seedling11, sorry for the very late response, I did respond to the message board for individual courses but they seem to be no more. I’m certain there were audio files for the lesson you mentioned in the past but there might have been a problem with an upgrade since their creation. I noticed you’re now a contributor and have added new audio to the lesson, which is fine with me
I have just merged those 2 threads @oli2904 and renamed it so that people can find this thread more easily
You can had a link to this subject on your Memrise course.
[PAVC-3] Practical Audio Visual Chinese Vol. 3
Vocabulary based on the book PAVC vol. 3. All definitions have abbreviated grammatical terms, pinyin, keyboard IME help and audio. Accompanying videos are also included. Typing/tapping tests are enabled and alternative answers accepted. My aim has been to remove any confusion with word-sets. *** Feel free to comment with questions and/or suggestions.
Hi Oli,
Thanks a lot. Once again, great job with this book.
I am closing this thread, as discussed with Oli2904, who has created the course forum for his PAVC courses.