So I’ve been at the Russian 1 course for a couple of days now, and while it is good and very helpful, there is a big flaw for me. There is just not enough time to write out the words in cyrillic. I don’t have a cyrillic keyboard, so I’m just using my mouse to click on the letters, and many times I fail because I just don’t have enough time. I understand if I were learning a language with the regular alphabet and I could use my keyboard, it would be fine, but not with cyrillic and having to use the mouse.
Reminds me about the Mondly webportal and having to tap the word banks with the mouse.
I did not like that very much when it gave me full words (hitting the single letters is of course more difficult / time consuming).
The “Timer Disabler” works on a computer with the Tampermonkey addon.
You could try if you can get userscripts working on a Tablet with the Violentmonkey (or similar) addon.
But when you need to tap the presented on-screen single letters, personally I rather would like to use a touchscreen (tablet, smartphone) device, no matter if in the mobile app or with the browser which support touch/tapping.
Or try to get a (Windows/Linux/Mac or whatever computer OS you have running) switching keyboard installed and configured (hotkeys activated it), so you can use your normal hardware (US) keyboard but with a different letter layout.