No sound using Chrome

Using Windows 7 laptop with Chrome.

Solved, I have an extension that was the issue.

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My computer is an HP with windows 7 installed, and I use Chrome. I do the official Japanese Memrise courses for Portuguese speakers, Japanese for English speakers, English for Portuguese speakers, and all courses have audio. I also do some courses created by users, and they are also normal (there are some courses created by users that the audio was not added by the course creator).

I also have another account at Duolingo and do Japanese for English speakers, and it also has sound.

I do not know if you noticed, but last week, Chrome had an update. Maybe there was a problem in the update or configuration?

Sorry but I do not speak English well, so I did not understand your question about internet explorer, and I do not know if that’s it, but if you log in with your Memrise account in IE, the same courses will be there.

Hi Mila, I don’t know when my issues started as I haven’t used either course on my laptop for some time.

My comment about IE was that although my courses do work in IE, as this is a bad browser, I don’t want to use it!

I have exactly the same chrome as on another computer where there isn’t an issue. Maybe that means it has something to do with the chrome extensions I have on my computer. Tomorrow I may try turning them all off and seeing if that helps.

Yes, try to see the difference in the configuration of your 2 computers and do some testing. I’m not good at computers, so I would not be able to give advice.

If it does not work, maybe someone who understands computers can make a comment, or someone who has had the same problem.

I hope you can solve your problem soon :slight_smile:

Thanks for letting know! Could you tell us which extension? And did you just disable, or did you uninstall the extension or did you do something else? Just in case another user

Yes, Disable HTML5 Autoplay which is an extension to stop irritating automatic audio on sites - I guess it isn’t the biggest surprise that it would impact badly on language learning applications :slight_smile:

I noticed that it is no longer being maintained. In fact I only disabled it. I guess it is obvious, but in case others need to know, it can be worth checking if an extension is giving you a problem.

Go to your chrome extensions - find it by clicking on the three vertical dots at the top right of the screen. Disable all your applications and then turn them on one at a time and see if audio is okay. If it is, then try another one. Alternatively turn then off one by one I guess would work too. I found that I had to close memrise each time and start it again in order for it to respond to the change in the extension.


I’m glad you managed to figure out the problem and solve it :slight_smile:

This is just a formality, but if you want, you can click the button that says the problem has been fixed. So, anyone looking at the list of topics will know that the problem has already been solved.


I don’t see such a button - I have clicked to activate a tick underneath my reply that explained what I did to solve it. Maybe that’s what you mean?


Yes that’s right. It’s just that I did not know how to explain :wink: