No one wants decks!

Please don’t do that! I’ve been paying for two years this app, and I use it in the subway, learning through courses created by users. I download the courses.


Ça c’est pas cool de votre part, Ed. Les cours perso dans l’appli avec vos cours c’est le gros plus. Un site mobile ça n’a rien à voir, et c’est pas hors ligne.

Pas content :frowning:


Too bad they did this. I was happy to pay for what was there, but now there is just no sense to continue to pay.

I love your comment. Memrise is enough for me


What the fuck is going on? I do not need any other sites or platforms. I was creating my course something about 12 fucking months. I have paid for Pro. I hate mobile version of Memrise. I am making another one since 6 months. Rly? I am so disappointed… And now whaaaaat?

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Let’s make our voices heard loud and clear, get involved: Angry about the Decks update? Make your voices heard


I think their intention is the makes official courses more visible so it’s a pure business move.

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I like Memrise the way it is now! Why would you ruin a system that works? Just some minor changes could make the course creation more user-friendly…
Last year I paid for a lifetime membership and now they want to turn it into a free service?! What are they gonna do with all their premium members? That just sucks!

Take away our member-created courses and you’ll never see me again!
I hope the staff takes their sweet time to read all of the comments here and hopefully reconsiders their decision!


I’ll cancel my subscription as well. 1. It won’t be available on non-mobile devices. I almost always use Memrise with my laptop, because it’s HUGE difference between learning with app and laptop. I hate to use phone. The level of official Memrise courses is too low to learn them with a laptop. I liked Memrise because, in general (with member-courses), had higher level than for example Duolingo 2. When I used smartphone for learning : I payed ONLY because I could revise and learn offline- at the bus, train etc. ONLY. No application and offline learning- no payed subscription. It’s obvious. As someone else said - If you make this change, you will lose all of your Premium members. 3. What will you do with MEMS?


I would be completely unhappy if Decks doesn’t have an app. I do the majority of my vocabulary review on Russian through the app. Creating a new site is completely inconvenient. If anything, they should optimize the app to allow you to create your own decks through it.


Same here, without community courses I would not have paid anything to them and now they announce to stop my courses and mobile app 30 days after renewal the yearly subscription. I feel tricked and really pissed that some noobs decided to degrade such formerly great piece of software.

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I’m another Pro user who’s very unhappy, I won’t be renewing my Pro sub since I use user-created courses only now and Decks will not support either user stats or offline mode.

Memrise isn’t perfect the way it is now, but I’m an experienced language learner and that I use Memrise daily over all my other options says something about its usefulness and accessibility as it is now. But I dread that decks will take that away, as so many of my language courses are user-created courses for less popular languages or more advanced study in mainstream language that is beyond what the official Memrise courses cover.


Yep - I would continue paying the price of Pro to use community courses with the current memrise mobile app.

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I have canceled via the Google Play Store, effective on my anniversary date in July.

I have lost hope that this “decks” site will be any good. If it was at all comparable to the app, they’d show it to us.

That they’re killing the thing we love and won’t even show us the replacement yet demonstrates a gross lack of respect and empathy for loyal customers.



I totally agree. I use the Memrise app to study my own cards the most. I enjoyed their repetition system more than Quizlet but now they are removing all the decks I made to study specifically on the app. This is totally selfish.


Adding my voice to those saying they will leave if this goes ahead.

Yeah we pay for a monthly service, for long term learning, and then they take it away! A mobile website is no good because cellular data is expensive and the website will certainly be worse.

I encourage everyone who’s cancelling to ask for a refund instead by contacting support directly.

you can still try to get a refund (this link was posted in the main announcement by a memrise admin)
I did the same, and they told me that they will write me again after decks starts.

Honestly, if they go through with this, I am cancelling the subscription. I am using mainly my own courses anyway. Shame shame shame. In my opinion memrise is shooting itself in the knee…

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Good News: