New web dashboard is now available in Beta!

I have tried the new beta…I’m very afraid and disappointed but maybe I’m doing something wrong and or missing something…

When I do a classic review all that I want to see is memrise present me with the one side of the flashcard and then I MUST TYPE IN THE FULL WORD IN THE TARGET LANGUAGE…for every word this is what I want the way it works now…however I am getting typing sometimes, other times multiple choice…other times audio …PLEASE NO!!! I want to be able to type the answer for every single one…I need to learn how to spell in the new language and answer correctly…please tell me I am doing something wrong and that this is not how it will be moving forward otherwise I will not renew my membership here…ugh!!!


OMG this is what I feared…the ability to do all typing in the review now has typing/multiple choice/audio hybrid…why in the world not allow for check boxes that allow a user to have only typing all of them or two of them…I desperately need to be able to spell right in my target languages…please don’t change this…the way it works now is perfect why would you guys do this???


Ha! Just unbelievable. After years and years of telling you that I don’t want multiple choice, and here we are. I WANT TO BE ABLE TO CHOOSE TO TYPE ALL ANSWERS. What part of this don’t you understand?? Do you know what? I am still using memrise only because of Cooljingle’s all-typing script or I would have stopped years ago.
Also: when the wretched multiple choices are displayed, I have to scroll down to see them all.
And: when I tried ‘difficult words’ it went into learning mode.
það er bara helvítis hörmung


RE: Cooljingle’s all-typing script - Please tell me more.

Sadly, Cooljingle’s “all typing” userscript (like all the other userscripts) doesn’t work in Memrise Beta. You have to turn Beta off and revert to the previous web version of Memrise for it to work. That’s what I’ve been doing. Like many others, I have been pressing for an ‘all typing’ option in Memrise Beta. We can only hope.

If you want to try it until they make the switch on 1 January, here’s the link to the forum thread that contains the details:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Rollout of the new dashboard and learning sessions experiences to all our customers

The new beta does not include the directional instructions for each word, e.g., Type the English for the German above and press Enter. My Memrise courses include both directions, English to German and German to English within the same course and this instruction helps the user sometimes distinguish between words that look the same in both languages. Can this be added back?


Can we get an all typing option? That is the only way I like to use Memrise.


I am also a user of CoolJingle’s All Typing userscript, as well as several other customizations (auto accept disabler, etc.). I am fine with losing most of these as long as the all typing one continues to work (although ideally these could also become real customization options too). If the all typing script is broken without adding official support, and there’s also no ability to code a new all-typing script (or update the existing one), then I suppose I’ll finally learn how to use Anki… Multiple choice does nothing for me.

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The forced implementation of multiple choice and the occasional audio cue is a step backward, in my opinion.

The most egregious is that for my hiragana & katakana practice I am being played an audio cue then asked to type out the answer in English. I don’t need to test if I can spell in English if played an audio cue. The goal is to associate the sound with the character . This is wasted practice.

I’m also not a fan of not being able to press enter to move onto the next word. It adds up to maybe a second per word/character, but when I’m doing 300+ a day, that adds up to over 5 minutes of extra waiting while practicing.


What did you do to the difficult words tool ?? I really liked how I could choose the words to repeat and now … after practicing them one time they’re gone from the difficult words list. Who said that repeating them one time is enough ? I want this tool back as it was, otherwise I won’t renew my subscription new year (unfortunately I already did, so i guess i’m gonna lose my money)

I really appreciate the new updates - the site gets better with each revision. I’m glad that all the courses are showing up on the desktop (all 12 courses instead of just 8). The new placement of the icons for review/difficult words/practice streak is also more appealing to my eye and easier to assess at a glance as they fade when there are no elements in their respective category. The trim around the border of each course is also a nice touch. And, just in case it matters, the page is loading quickly and the transitions between the practice pages and the dashboard are quick and smooth.
As others have commented, I would like the option to sort in different ways. For example, to prioritize only those courses that have words to review that day or only those with difficult words needing review. I’d also like to see keyboard shortcuts for the following: jumping from course to course on the dashboard (perhaps with a CTRL+TAB) and a shortcut to go directly to the classic review.
I’d also like to make one more appeal to develop more teacher tools to see more detailed stats on students in a particular class. Maybe then, too, Memrise could include an educational license for groups. I think it would be a great way to increase revenue quickly.
Anyway, I thank you again for all the improvements. Keep up the great work.

MEMrise got rid of Mems hahahahahahaha you can’t make this stuff up even if you were to try


I’m unable to access all my courses. Why place obstacles in the way of learning? Who thought removing the scroll bar would be a smart idea? Here’s a clue, it isn’t!

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Seems to be working for now.
This is really minor, but it would be nice to have to have an alternative enter keyboard shortcut that is close to the number keys. The enter key is convenient to use with the numpad but it’s too far from the number keys.

For Classic review, please allow us to turn off multiple choice answers. These make it too easy. I can get it right even if I don’t really know a word, or how to spell it.


Please, leave at least the difficult words tool as it was. This is one of the main reasons for my subscription. I didn’t like at all what you did with it, and I wont’t renew my premium if you change it. I want to choose which words I want to repeat as difficult and remove them from this list only when I feel that I’ve learned them.
Also I would like to choose difficult words after a lesson. I noticed that in beta, after a lesson, there’s no way to add difficult words, only during the lesson.


@MemriseSupport ,

Thank you for the update at Post 225 here.

Regarding the absence of a timer, you didn’t say why you decided not to include one in the Beta version. Personally, I have strong preference for typing tests, over MC or tapping tests and I like the added time pressure (even for long phrases). Can’t you give us an option to include a timer? In this way, a timer ‘on/off’ switch would, in effect, also give us the ‘pause’ function that we currently enjoy with the older version.

Please reconsider.


Not happy.
I see a trend towards making it look good on an iPad.
I use my 27-inch iMac for learning.
I want a large dashboard.


I don’t like the new changes. The font is way smaller which makes it very difficult for those of us with bad sight. Also, if you’re going to include a timer during the classic review please give us the option to turn it off, if I wanted a timed session I would’ve chosen speed review.

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