Why!? Why Memrise people!? Why!? There was no need! You’re gonna lose everything if you keep this up.
Also, please stop writing stories as memrise app updates and tell me what exactly your fixing every time in the app store please. I’m not a child and would like real information please. I do imagine it’s more fun for you though to write your little ‘update note’ with cuteness but can we have real information along with fun and cute?
Why??? Why did you do this to the forums??? This is awful!!! I have no access to the creator now. I’m gonna have to quit…I can’t waste hundreds of hours studying the wrong thing and the memrise staff isn’t going to create a course that meets my needs. So…WHY??? WHY DID YOU DO THIS??? (T_T)/ so, so sad
(does everything in life come down to money? Is America really the ‘Fuck you’ nation? I’m so sad Please make it like it was again. Don’t let my hope die)
So annoying that people assume EVERYTHING is from America
memrise is a British organisation, based in London, although the staff come from all over the world. The original creators are British or Irish, I believe.
That said, I agree that it is a shame that the old forum system was disbanded, but this happened quite some time ago. Have you just returned to memrise and discovered this?
What we do have now, though, is a private messaging system for members of the forum, which didn’t exist with the old memrise set-up.
Being able to contact course creators was just as difficult when there were the old-style forums, to be honest: if a course creator had abandoned their course and moved on, you weren’t able to reach them via the old “report” system, either. Happened to me plenty of times that I never got a reply. The same is true now, so in that respect, nothing has changed and the type of forum available is irrelevant.
The only thing you can do in that case is to contact memrise directly about the course in question and ask to be made a course contributor: that way you can edit the course yourself. I am a course contributor for a few Swedish courses and being able to edit the courses after researching the words in question thoroughly is a very efficient way to learn new vocabulary!
This is the path I would pursue if you want to make sure you are learning words with the correct definitions or translations.
Indeed I was frustrated and the capitals were meant to be a reflection of that rather than me shouting at someone. Didn’t mean to offend anyone with my ‘American’ comment. I should have guessed it was British by the use of the British flag as a representation of English.