New Course Not Saving

Whenever I try to edit the details (e.g., name of course) of one of my own courses, hitting the “save” button gives me an error (“Oops. Something has gone wrong…”) and nothing is saved. I’ve tried for several days now and have even used different web browsers. Nothing works. Any ideas why it’s doing this? Has anyone else had problems creating and editing their own courses recently?

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What character set(s) are you using in the name of your course?
I was also unable to save changes to the description of my course, but when I removed all Japanese characters from the name of the course (i.e., only Roman letters), I was able to save it.
When I tried to add the Japanese characters back to the title, the error message reappeared.
It also doesn’t seem to matter whether the learners’ L1 setting is Japanese or English. This is quite a problem for courses for Japanese L1 speakers (and perhaps other languages?).

Originally I just tried “German Vocab” and then I just tried shortening it to “German”. So… nothing special there.

Hi @jen7jack,

Others have had difficulties recently, too. Have you seen this other forum thread? Create new course of your daily English vocabulary words

I was able to create this sample new course today just to check things out:

I also just tried editing the course title and the edit saved ok.

It’s a strange one! What does your ‘course creation page’ look like?

Thanks for the link ~ I did look for a similar thread before I asked my question but couldn’t find one.

Here’s what my course creation page looks like before I try to save it.

And then the error message I get…


Yes, it’s a strange one.

When I first tried creating a course earlier today, I also got that error message when I clicked on “Create Course” (not something I had encountered before but others seem to have had this problem). I then added some details in an empty field, clicked on “Create Course” again and it worked ok. I was able to add a level and start populating the course ok. I have since deleted it.

I just created another new course without any problems and then edited the course title and it saved the change ok, too.

I have added you as a contributor to this course. Here is a link:

Are you able to make edits to this one?

Yep ~ I just edited the name of the course and there weren’t any problems.

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The course I created though is still giving me the same issues. I’m just gonna delete the whole thing and try it again from scratch (again).

OK. I’ll leave my course there for a while so that you can play around with it if you want to try things out. Can’t think right now what might be the problem with yours. Hope there aren’t too many words to reload.

Annoying, isn’t it?