My daily goal doesn't change

At last, it’s working! For the first time since I joined, 11 days ago, I have a streak of more than one day. Yay! OK, so I’m easily excited. If anyone at Memrise did something to make this work, thank you. If not, and it somehow came right on its own, well, thanks anyway.


I also tried to reset this and wait for next day but it didn’t help.

Today it’s working same like for stephenr512. I can see points I need to complete, thank you.

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The same problem with my mom´s account, Dijulka. So you didn´t do anything and it started working after few days? Did you lose your Daily Goal? She already has 54 days in row and she is excited about that…
Thank you in advance

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Hi @JBorrego

Over the last few days my daily goals are showing as complete before I do any studying. This happens on both the web and the android app.
However if i do a review on the app and get enough points the streak counter increments as it would if the goal had not been reached. This does not happen on the web, but if i then do it again on the app the counter increments.
This happens only once per course as it should.
However not knowing if all goals are reached is a concern.
Another thing i notice is that i have a few courses on 1403 day streaks but if i look at my profile it says my longest streak is 1402 days.
I have completed all my courses today.

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Today all my courses except 1 show daily goal complete. Again when i do reviews on the app the streaks increments.
when i did a review on one of the courses with a complete status the streak went from 1403 to 1404 and my longest streak went from 1402 to 1403. When i did a review on the course that did not have a complete status the streak also went from 1403 to 1404 and the longest streak went to 1404.(so at least this is now correct).
If my courses reset correctly at midnight to show goals not yet complete then all should be ok. If not I again will not know the status of my daily goals.


@JBorrego @MemriseSupport
Today all the streak indicators show correctly before any study, but only on the app.(actually each 1 day lower than the web)
The web still shows all goals complete and still increments by 1 as i complete the goal on the app.
Another thing I just noticed is that on a course that I have a 1405 day streak with goal set at 15 mins(6000 points) the goal indicator seems to have reset to 5 mins(1500 pounts)
If i try to put this back to 6000 points I will lose the streak.

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I have the same issue also.

Started from this year 2020, this daily goal completed even I haven’t start the course neither.

early of the year, Usually when I finish the one day courses on ios app first day, and switch to web next day, it happens on web for some time this years. I already complain this through google form, yet nothing fixed.

Started from late June, the app happens the same issue, every day some of the counter shows finished, while the streak number is not moving, then I knew I didn’t finished the todays progress.

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Hello! Today I noticed a similar problem for my courses, daily goals marked as complete even though I haven’t done said goals yet. I am wondering if there’s anything I can do to remedy this? Or if there is someone or somewhere I can contact to help me with this?

Replies are very much appreciated! 감사합니다!

All of my daily goals (on the web) are also already marked as completed for today (monday). This hasn’t happened on my profile before.
Unfortunately @MemriseSupport has also never reacted to this thread before.

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Same here!

Thank you for your reports!

We are aware of this problem and we are looking into it. We will try to resolve it as soon as we can

Apologies for the inconveniences caused!


Thank you for your reply! It’s always good to know you are aware of the problem and working to resolve it. Pretty, pretty please make sure, no streak gets lost (mine is at an incredible 1971 days :sweat_smile:)


Thank you so much for the notice! :blush:

I’m having the same issues. Web is showing my goals as complete before I do any learning, and the streak numbers aren’t going up. My highest streak count is also not updating.
I haven’t changed my time zone or anything recently.

I’m also having the issue with the discrepancy between the app (android) and the web version.
Initially the app streak number was always a day behind, and now all streaks have disappeared.

I really really don’t want to lose my streaks, please tell us this can be fixed?

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Same issue here.

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Same issue here! My streak counter is stuck, and it just says “Goal Complete” every day :frowning:

Same here.

My streak counter and experience is saying I completed my goals even though I haven’t.

I can turn the streak goal counter on and off to get it to work but I lost my streak, my streak was only a couple days so I don’t really care but it would be annoying if I had a large streak.

Same here. I’ve read some posts from 2013 and 2016 indicating the same issue. In both posts, it was a temporary glitch. I hope that is the case with the current issue. I’ll be posting if the situation changes.

Hey there, we are still working on this, trying to get it sorted. I will keep you updated in this thread, hopefully we can get it sorted asap.

Again, many apologies, we understand how crucial this is to your learning.


For 5 or 6 days the goals, streaks and such information of the memrise app are not successfully transmitted to the data server.
Perhaps the reason is based on one of the last updates or any link to the file server could be wrong, besides it may also be a question of Google Analytics.