Multiple Choice - Old items before correction showing up


I’ve a very annoying problem. I’ve done a course for myself for learning cosmetics (product name and what it’s used for). But once I started the course I realized it’s stupid to have the manufacturer only as level name, not in the item. So, I’ve corrected everything.

But when I’m restarting the course and I’ve multiple choice questions a lot of incorrect answers are the old, not yet corrected items. The right answer is never an uncorrected item, here the “synchronization” did work.

For example this shows up:

- Antirougeurs
- Anthelios KA
- LRP Anthelios (right answer)
- AntiRötungen

But it should be

- Av Antirougeurs
- LRP Anthelios KA
- LRP Anthelios (right answer)
- Euc AntiRötungen

I’ve tried switching from offline-mode to online to offline, unfollowing course and re-following course (with the Web version), sign-out and sign in, clearing cache and data in the App-list and deinstalling and reinstalling with the App and clearing the cache and sign-out/sign-in with the web version. Nothing changed the problem.

And it’s happening in the App and in the Web version.

So, I think it’s some kind of updating problem of the “database for wrong answers”?

There is a lengthy topic about this problem already.

The suggested solutions seem to work somewhat but do not totally solve the problem for me.

Thank you @duaal, I’m reading the linked thread right now :slight_smile:

Edit: There is a work-around solution that worked fine for me in this thread so please read this thread if you ended up here while having the same problem :slight_smile: