More Memrise Badges

That’s rather unfair in the sense that it favours multiple shorter courses. I have a similar (though inverted) issue with the current streak badge - it’s linked with a single course. So, maybe I’ve finished the German A1 course with a 200 day (or whatever) badge, but once it’s done and I move on to the A2, my streak restarts, although I work every day just the same.

Btw, there’s an unfair difference between web and app, too. In the web version, once you finish the course (learn all the items), the streak is automatically discontinued. In the app, you can keep getting your days by reviewing the course. I understand the logic of both systems, but having one for everybody would be better. And having one streak for, if not all of Memrise, at least a certain skill (i.e. German, English, Geography, History…) would be the best. :slight_smile:

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I agree there should be the option not to have a massive display of badges on your dashboard. I think we can assume that none of us here ‘overly care’ about having lots of badges. We just think it would be a fun improvement to Memrise and might even persuade those less reluctant learners to try harder just so they can get more badges. :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your feedback !

“Every coin has two sides.”
“Le revers de la médaille” (The other side of the medal).

I suggest for:

Side 1: Number of complete courses.
Side 2: Number of total words in these courses (click on side 1).

Imagination is everything!

1 Complete course and xx words…

2 Complete courses and xx words…

5 Complete courses and xx words…

Have a nice time! :wink:

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Is this the kind of thing you had in mind?

Example badges for 10 popular mems created, 50 popular mems created and 100 popular mems created.


Yeah, something attractive like that - to motivate better citizenship of Memrise.

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it would be great, and in different colors, for example: Top 10 week (brown), Top 10 month (silver), Top 10 all time (gold)