Mistake in course

I found a mistake in course Italian 1.
There is a word “fico” as the translation to “cool, fig”.
But it must be “figo”.

How can be the mistake improved?

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Can you add a link to the course you found this error in?

Maybe there is a specific forum for it, in which case it would be best to post this information there.

@hydroptere: See? No need for insults or aggression or attacks!


I didn’t find any specific forum for it, but if you know, where should I post this information, please tell me about it.
Here is the link: https://www.memrise.com/course/1121291/italian-1/14/

Here is the forum for this course:

[]([Course Forum] Italian 1-7 by Memrise

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Thank you for help!

Hi! I am very new to this so I don’t know if this is the right place to write this:

I found a mistake in the beginner part of the course, I think it’s level 5, greetings:
Good morning: “Buon giorno”, but the righr spelling is “Buongiorno”, according to what I’ve searched on internet and in my Italian book.
Same for Good night: Buona notte, when the correct is altogether: “Buonanotte”

Thank you in advance.

Are you doing the memrise course “Italian 1 - 7”???

If so, there is a link to the forum for those courses just a few posts up.

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huh? what exactly is the problem???

In a similar thread, you were unnecessarily aggressive to someone who reported a mistake in a course. I can’t find the exact comment right now, though.

I just wanted to show you that these queries can be responded to with no aggression or attacks whatsoever.

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Hi isiscstelmmo,

These words are used in different ways. For example “Buona notte” is used as a salutation while “buonanotte” is used in reference to a description.

See here:


Hello everybody! I have started now a course on this page: english-italian (300+ italian words)
and I have found after 125 words 5 mistakes, how can I correct them?
“hand” is not ‘il mano’ but ‘la mano’
“july” Luglio is not with capital letter "luglio"
the word “meat” is not “il carne” but “la carne"
cinema is not ‘la cinema’ but 'il cinema’
there is the word ‘capital’ and I think it would be the word what means the city and in that case is not ‘il capitale’ but 'la capitale’
and the word ‘spaghetti’ is always in plural: not 'lo spaghetti” but “gli spaghetti”

contact me if you can help me how to correct them. thank you


Hi everyone.
In the second Memrise course in “Buying supplies” shouldn’t be “il portafoglio” instead of “il portafogli” for “the wallet”?

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@Lien Several errors were reported in this thread, could you please contact the course authors?

The idea behind the forums is that there should be individual forums for the various courses, with memrise having one single forum for all their courses (usually there are seven levels) in a particular language - say, Italian for speakers of British English - and that people who find problems don’t report them all in one place and expect the course creators to laboriously scroll through entire thread to find one individual post on their course. That would really be a lot to ask!

The mistakes reported here refer to different courses, some refer to the memrise courses, others to community-created courses.

In addition, it is not the job of the memrise team to deal with mistakes in community-created courses, or even to alert the course creators of mistakes. The memrise team - who can be contacted by tagging @memrisesupport, not @Lien - can be contacted if someone wants to get in touch with a course creator who is not registered here on the forum, but the community-created courses are the responsibility of the community, not memrise. If someone wants to make changes to a course whose original creator has moved on and is no longer active on memrise, that is not a problem, as the memrise team can - after consulting with the original course creator - can give a new person the status of “course contributor” and they can then access the database for the course in question and make changes.

Can you report this mistake in the official forum for these courses?

As far as I can see, there is no course forum for this course.

Can you create one?

Thanks for your detailed reply!

I was not sure whom to tag, because there seems to be no official information and old threads that I found on what one should do when one encounters a mistake in a course (and cannot get in touch with the course creator through the forum) mentioned Lien and memrisematty - only yesterday after tagging Lien in this thread I accidentally came across a hidden post saying that now such requests should be tagged with memrisesupport. I suggest that it would be very useful if the “About” page contained a one-sentence explanation for each person along the lines of “Contact me if…” or “Tag posts containing requests for … with @memrisesupport.” Otherwise it is not clear what the role differences between Admins and Moderators are, nor what are the individual responsibilities of each person listed.

Yup, you’re right!

I only happened to notice the tag “memrisesupport” by chance at some point!

I noticed that this question has already been answered in the Italian forum. I am not a student of Italian, but it is explained quite thoroughly, I think.