Mems removal is scheduled for Monday 5 September

Memrise2Anki extension is also not working anymore. Thanks to your team, which changed substantial parts of the code.


Now, this will be a nice list :slightly_smiling_face:


Well thank you so much for your generous permission to scream into the void.

It’s obvious to anyone with eyeballs that you have not added or improved anything. You have, up to this point, solely removed features. You couldn’t even come up with one item for your “what you get instead” section. Not one.


It’s very annoying that they are taking away the mems, fully. I don’t know why they are doing this!


This sounds permanent, which would be a BIG change from what you were talking about months ago. At the time, you were saying that mems would be removed for some unspecified period of time but you’d try to eventually bring them back, and you wouldn’t actually delete the existing mems, just make them inaccessible. The implication of this post is that you’ve fully decided to dump mems and have no plans to try to restore them in the future. As horrible as the plan you shared in the past was, this is at least an order of magnitude worse. Is this actually what you’re doing?


Also, as I mentioned in a different thread Do you guys still make and use mems? - #24 by cos mems are actually a very significant part of the course content for the Hebrew course I made. By removing them, you’re effectively eviscerating my course content. Which I spent literally hundreds of hours making.


Wait, so images which are part of the course are going away too? But the map course I use has still worked since Mems were removed…? Or maybe we are talking about two different things?

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So anyway @MemriseSupport, what about this?


Of particular note: sentence three.

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For technical folks, it’s clear at a high level what you’re trying to build from the details you left in your posting for a new CTO.

After watching this mess unfold over the past several months, it’s unreal to me that you’re even talking about building the infrastructure that can support a three order of magnitude leap in the content the Memrise infrastructure can handle, as your posting demands. What on earth are you thinking?

I have zero confidence that you can deliver “a rich, intuitive and effective product” when you have shown yourselves to be incapable of maintaining the existing one.


The 5th of September (and the following few weeks) will be a very sad day for Ex-Mem Rise, as far as I am concerned.

As has been posted lots of times by many people, Mems made for easy learning and was MemRise’s USP.

I await your replacement plan.

Any idea when we’ll hear about it and when it will be implemented @MemriseSupport ?


Actually never mind, I don’t even care. I just want my money back, thanks.


I’ve put Mems into courses, the same way as I would with images for paintings, maps and for the wonders of the world.

Let’s hope they stay.


Hi all, thanks for your comments. I’d like to clarify a few points as I appreciate some of the previous messages were ambiguous:

  • All mems will be backed up and although you won’t be able to access them from Monday onwards, please rest assured that they won’t be deleted from our database. So this is still true:
  • We still have no confirmation that we’ll reintroduce mems, give learners a way to access them, nor do we have a replacement plan for them. If and when any of this happens, it’s not going to be before 18+ months’ time - but realistically longer than that. We’re aware that Ben’s comment made it sound like we had a short(er)-term plan for them, but as he confirmed, we had and still have no timeline. Sorry for any confusion around this.

Our position on why we have to remove mems hasn’t changed since our last thread in December: mems have been an important tool for your learning and a core part of the Memrise history, however they are difficult and expensive to keep supporting within the new learning experience we’re building, and they’re no longer providing the right pedagogical value in their form.

As we speak, the team are hard at work building and improving features that support our pedagogical principles, to help you: (1) Learn words and sentences, (2) Immerse you in videos and audio experiences, and (3) Communicate with fellow humans with no fear of making mistakes.

Sunsetting mems is necessary to allow us to spend time and resources to deliver on the above goals instead, which will concretely help us achieve our mission: help everyone effectively learn a language.

I appreciate all this might not be a good enough justification for you, but at least I hope this message gives you a clear-cut explanation and expectations.


Regarding images in courses, this is a different functionality separate from mems, and it’s still working on your courses.

We haven’t built support for image-based courses in the new experience, and currently can’t confirm if or when that will happen. We’ll have more updates in the next few months.

Thanks for your posts and trying to clarify your latest thinking.

Regarding images in courses, … and it’s still working on your courses.

We haven’t built support for image-based courses in the new experience

If I read your last message correctly, map courses (for instance) still work, but the new system you are working on does not plan to include images - so several hundred image related courses will go.

Is this what you are saying @ale_c ?

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I can’t even access all of my mems now so I assume they won’t be backed up properly either.

I did’t make that many mems but certainly more than are showing now. I specifically remember making several mems back when we could add pictures and that I put effort in, that have already gone missing some time ago.
In my profile it currently says 3 pages of mems. Page 1 has text mems, page 2 is empty, page 3 has only two of my older mems with pictures.

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@ale_c Hold the phone. Is the “new experience” going to supplement or replace the current one?

Put another way, it seems if you’re now saying that all of the people who have invested their time and focus into image-based courses may actually lose all of that content in the future as well?


They’re totally going to delete all the user-made courses sooner rather than later anyway, we all see that now, right? This appears beyond inevitable to me at this point, despite what a deathwish move it would be. As Memrise stands now (with user courses), I have a reason to continue using it multiple times a day despite completing all the Memrise-official German courses ages ago. If that were all this site had had to offer, I would have been done with it in two or three months total, and would have forgotten about it shortly thereafter. I never would have signed up for a pro membership, let alone twice. Right now, there is an–for all intents and purposes–endless supply of knowledge here. I can learn HTML and the world map AND study German beyond the rudimentary courses provided by Memrise. It’s great. Frustratingly, it seems more and more like they want to take a place that nurtures curiosity and exploration and turn it into Slightly Better Duolingo where everyone learns the same thing in the same fashion, with a beginning, middle, and END because I guess the idea is that planned obsolescence is supposed to work with knowledge now too or something? That products have to constantly change even if it’s to their detriment? It’s really sad and incredibly frustrating, and I really hope someone has the wherewithal and technical skills to recreate this elsewhere before all this content vanishes into a black hole, pleasepleaseplease .

Capitalism always eats itself in the end. Be sure to back up all your courses, friends.


Please forgive the soapbox, I just needed to get that out so that I can start dealing with it as well. And I hope someone recreates this website format elsewhere. Apparently 60 million people think it’s fine the way it is.