Memrise Release Notes - 4 May 2017

I’m happy the Mems are back. Not sure what to feel about the feature of liking Mems not coming back with it.
Is it gone for good, or will it be back?


I hope it comes back. There is definitely a need for some means of encouraging good/helpful mems and discouraging bad/unhelpful ones. Maybe some form of ‘recognition’ for achieving a significant number of ‘likes’ for a mem as an indicator that it is helping others to learn an item.

We need the ‘flagging’ tool back, too and a way for teachers to preview ‘group’ course content for inappropriate mems.

For those who don’t want to use or see mems - there are a few - we need a toggle to turn them on or off for all courses and for the majority of us who love mems but who may want to turn them off for a particular item, it would help to give the ‘go without a mem’ button greater prominence instead of having to scroll down to find it.


Hi BeaTrisy,

I am a new Memrise learning, and I have been making GREAT progress with the official Memrise Mandardin course. I have personally gotten 4 colleagues, 2 family members, and 2 friends to recently download the App. The official courses are SO GOOD.

Now… while I can say that the Mems in some cases were not that great (quality control) issue, they were a great help to my rapid progress. Now that they are gone, I really feel like I am slowing down. I understand you guys are looking for a long-term solution, that is great. I just want to add how helpful these Mems are, as having to think and create my own each time is exhausting. Even bad Mems help me think of good ones that stick for me.

I am sure there are a lot of ideas being thrown around like community moderated Mems, voting, integrating professionally created ones like Chineasy etc… I look forward to you guys making rapid progress here please.




The best release note ever. I didn’t recognize memrise anymore without the mems.


As the saying goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention” :smiley:
Sometimes adverse situations challenge us and make us do things that we had previously never tried.

This is such a great example of that! I am happy that something positive came out of this whole shambles :slight_smile:

I wish you the best of success and lots of fun making more mems in the future and thanks for sharing!


The little flag was there in the right-hand corner when I went on one of my courses a couple of hours ago.


Thanks. That’s good to know`. They must be adding things back bit by bit :slight_smile:

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Let’s hope so!

YES! Thank you so much for listening to your community! :smile: So happy right now. :slight_smile:

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Omg finally! I’m so happy!

Thank you so much! My progress slowed so much without the mems, but now I can learn again!

As for the moderation issue, I use the Android app version, and I notice there’s no way for me to tell you the quality of the mems. A like/dislike/report button system could really help, that way mems could be ranked according to usefulness and the bad ones could be weeded out either by dropping ranks or being blocked. I get the impression that a similar feature is already available on the web version since the app usually shows me the best mem first, but if more and more people are using the app, you could really harness the people power if you rolled out such a feature onto our phones as well.

I also wonder if you could harness the community to help with checking the reported mems. I’m new to this forum, but I must say, the people here seem really cool. I feel like I could trust this community to keep an eye on things and take the burden off you guys. I notice you have trust levels on these forums - why not for app moderation as well? (Sorry if this is already a thing!)

In any case, I’m so relieved to see that you guys actually do listen to your community! Not all app creators are so willing to admit to mistakes (eg. Niantic lol). I just hope that next time you make such a huge change, you please get community feedback beforehand. We could have avoided this week of memlessness so easily. Your app’s community is clearly its greatest asset, and I hope you keep it going strong.

Needless to say, I’ve changed my app rating back to 5 stars, and I’m telling my friends again that this is the best language app around. I hope that you will continue to live up to this title! This app has been amazing, better than any other method I’ve tried to learn a language, so thank you! :smiley:


Thank you! I began Memrise just a few days before Mems were temporarily disabled, and I have to say that the Mems were what initially drew me and made Memrise stand out from other flashcard platforms—I echo others’ dismay and disappointment when community created Mems suddenly disappeared. (I thought I made a mistake for opting for Pro so quickly!) I try to make my own Mems when I can, but ever so often, I’ll run into a word for which I, for the life of me, cannot devise a Mem, even though I know it would be incredibly helpful. (I’ll be sitting and thinking and thinking for a good while. . .) I loved having the option to flip through a few created by others—there’s a lot of wit and wisdom in the community, and it’s nice to not always have to “reinvent the wheel.”

Anyway—glad to see they’re back. :slight_smile: :heart:


As for the moderation issue, I use the Android app version, and I notice there’s no way for me to tell you the quality of the mems. A like/dislike/report button system could really help, that way mems could be ranked according to usefulness and the bad ones could be weeded out either by dropping ranks or being blocked. I get the impression that a similar feature is already available on the web version since the app usually shows me the best mem first, but if more and more people are using the app, you could really harness the people power if you rolled out such a feature onto our phones as well.

There used to be a “thumbs-up” button (but no thumbs-down) on the web interface, but it seems that since the recent removal of mems and now the reversion of that change, the button is gone even on the web interface. (The “report” flag icon is still there on web.)


I LOVE U MEMRISE :heart_eyes:


thank you for listening our opinions!!! I’ve checked the community every day just to see this news! I’m so glad to see this announcement:>


thanks for putting mems back :grin: but can you still not like other mems now?


Thank you!
Memrise is the best.
I was really upset but now double happy =)


I am so very happy!! Thank so much, for listening to our concern. I do believe that the crownsourced mem pool is what makes memrise unique and valuable. I hope you find a satisfying solution for mem-monitoring to get rid of those quality concerns! :slight_smile:


Glad to hear this. This is what made your website/app different from other apps/websites, so it didn’t make sense to remove it.

Please also fix the android bug in which newer members can’t learn new words without becoming a pro member and can’t access the levels they completed before the bug set in. It worked fine for a few days for me and now I am locked out of everything except for the first level and the chat demo. Maybe trying the chat demo is what caused this, I am still not sure.

There are some threads on this forum in the android bugs, there are some posts on reddit and some comments on the android store about this, so it’s not only myself who has this problem.

If does still work on the website, but for Japanese the website is inadequate as typing kana is almost unfeasible instead of selecting them. It only seems to affect newer members as far as I can read and see (my sister uses the app for quite a while and everything works fine for her).

If this is done by design, please change this page:

also remove the text everywhere it says you can learn a language for free on the play store as this is misleading people as it is not possible to do so for people who create an account at this moment.

If somebody of memrise sees this and it is indeed a bug, please reply on one of the threads so we know it is being worked on. I know I am posting this everywhere, but I am getting desperate as I want to keep using this app, but it won’t let me. I just want to know that the right people are seeing this so they can try to find a solution (or if it is by design, so I know to stop hoping for a fix).

Also being nominated as best app of 2017 on Google Play will give you a lot of potential new users. If those users see you can only learn 8 words before having to pay, most of them will not pay $50 for the app and remove the app (and they will never return). If my sister didn’t recommend the app to me and I didn’t have the few days I had before I couldn’t learn new words any more, I would have deleted the app as well. Don’t scare away the new customers you can get with being nominated. It doesn’t make a lot of business sense to do so.


This is great news, THANK YOU!

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