Memrise Release Notes - 28 Nov 2017 (Update on changes to typing test)

As I said before auto-accept is great!
I’ve just reviewed almost 600 words and it’s real joy.
Sometimes letters under row act like prompts. It’s helpful too.
So, memrise, if you’re planning change smth please leave this option too, cuz I’ll probably use it.

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For me it ruins my Korean learning. To have already 8 syllables to choose from, makes it far to easy and (like somebody already mentioned) more like a multiple choice test. Please turn it of again or make it an option to choose.


@BeaTrisy auto-accept definitely doesn’t improve my learning experience. So, how about making that optional if it was mixed feedback in the first place?


“listening skills” become useless (and they were not a joy even before)

the whole answer is there…


I know that, I can see…

“oriental” languages … Russian and Greek for ex are not “oriental” languages (about Russian you know this, isn’t so), but fully fleged Indo-European ones (and Hindi might be oriental but related to German and close to Latin etctetc, because “indo-european”!)

i don’t want “letters”, not for Spanish, not for Dutch,not for Mandarin or Japanese, they transform everything into tapping tests and I want to know a language, not to guess it. If I am too tired for typing I simply take no-typing courses.


Here it’s filter for ublock or adblock to block it:


3 issues when working on Japanese using chrome, mac and ime keyboard.

  1. as you type the word, it automatically recognizes the word. Not good. It’s easier to get the correct answer. It’s nearly impossible to make mistakes. need an option to press ‘enter’ to know if we are right or wrong, not being automatically given.

  2. movement from one word to the next is slower. Unlike the previous version when typing a word, just click enter (your either right or wrong) then you go to the next word.

  3. It seems like the new site update has an issue wherein after I get a word right and get to the next word, I always have to delete the previous word in the textbox. This takes up a lot more time.

Hope all these an be resolved soon. Thanks!


I’m fine with the auto-accept, but the virtual keyboard in Korean is now missing the space bar, so I have to switch between virtual and physical keyboard to type, which is… not ideal.

Yeah, synonyms probably should be accepted in most cases, but I’d say that’s mostly up to the course creators, and many do allow this (like the French course I am studying). Although some people would say ‘true’ synonyms don’t exist and so courses often try to teach the subtle differences between apparent synonyms. Which is why it also bugged me when I got it corrected trying to type “une partie” when the right answer was “une part”, again because of the auto correct.

Btw, love your avatar picture :slight_smile:

But you seem to have done the opposite for the website keyboard! For non-language tests at least, there used to be no characters. Now there are scrambled letters of the answer. It’s awful. And pointless. My eight-year-old, who is bang into his memrise, has been laughing at how sillily easy it’s going to be now to ‘remember’ (i.e. not really remember) capitals etc. For my class of pupils, who I have only just got into realising what a valuable tool memrise can be for them, the thing is now worthless.

I hope this has been an error, for you seem to have implemented the opposite of what you wished. I hope you can revert this behaviour on the website soon.

I noticed in French that this wasn’t happening - just a keyboard with the special characters of the language - just as you’d wish it. But the non-language courses have been utterly spoiled.


Please add an option to remove the virtual keyboard. I actually learned to type on the Korean keyboard by forcing myself to use it for Memrise. While I understand that this route isn’t for everyone, the typing tests now test something very different: recognition, the ability to read a word, rather than the ability to produce it. I have no problems with reading the words. I have many problems, however, with being able to produce them. I use the typing tests to help me memorize spelling (in addition to the word itself) because there’s some kinesthetic memory in there of how to spell it. This is extremely useful for me in my university Korean class quizzes and tests.

Also, a note on the typing tests in general: because there’s such a limited number of options for potential answers, it’s quite easy for me to pick out what should be the right answer here: 김치. You should include at least a few more to make this at least a little more challenging.

Oddly, in the Korean tests, they’re also very specific now about which characters I type – and not everything in there is Korean! Korean itself doesn’t really care very much about spacing and punctuation, not nearly as much as English does, in my experience, so it seems counter-intuitive that now things like dashes, that are merely meant to communicate to the learner that it’s a particle, and aren’t really meant to be tested on, are a part of the answer. You used to be able to toggle this somewhere too, in order to change the specificity of the typing test grader, but I either can’t find it (and trust me, I looked), or this was removed as well. It was pretty well hidden, from what I remember, so it should seem that this would not confuse less advanced users who require less features, so I’m not sure why this was removed either.

Also, I am seconding the opinions on auto-accept: either get rid of it or make it a toggle-able feature. I need to be able to confidently come up with the right answer, not just fumble around until I get the correct one. It just assumes that you knew what you were doing, which, unfortunately for me, was not the majority of the time. I want to be able to decide when I’m guessing and when I’m just key-smashing.


Absolutely awful. It’s easy mode for people who prefer confidence boosts over effective learning. I’m done with Memrise until there is an option to disable it.


Auto-accept and suggested characters make this too easy. Please make this an “on/off” option, I stopped using the mobile apps because it wasn’t conducive to effective learning like the web version.


This is horrible because it doesn’t seem to work on all words (possibly alternate translations) so it’s hard to get into a rhythm when some need enter and others don’t.

Please provide an option to disable it.


Hate it! You have a Database column settings to select the keyboard we want to appear. If we chose blank, why would you take the liberty to force characters onto the screen? You don’t have to make changes mandatory, as in “take it or leave it”. You can make these things configurable through settings. How hard is it to add a flag “turn on auto-accept” and “add minimal keyboard”. This shouldn’t be rocket science. You can add features without forcing them on people who were happy with the way they were.

Want to make a change? Finally give us the ability to remove certain wrong answers from multi-select that keep showing up. That’s something people actually want. Or how about giving us the ability to set the timer length or turn off. Again, that’s something people actually want.


You must be the mythical half that said this was a good idea. And by that, I mean you and two others vs. the hundreds who hate it.


Thank you so much! Works great and took less than 2min to set up!

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I never use the app. Thanks for the advices no bad feelings, but I am one long-term user of Memrise, in fact one of the oldest dinos in here. I know quite a thing or two about this place (btw, memrise took down a couple of days ago the personal profiles/bios, but you can try to see my dashboard by clicking on my profile in here…)

i don’t get this … sorry?

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Can you guys just rollback the changes asap, and we can have a discussion here. I seriously am having issues with studying Japanese right now after what you’ve implemented. My review is just going to keep getting bigger if I can’t work through the words.


Please take note of the feedback in this thread. This is really impacting learning, and especially after all the explanations users gave when a similar change was tried in September.

Users on the website use memrise differently than a narrated by Ziggy adventure to learn. I myself, learned a lot of what I know about the effects of learning and its different styles directly through the tools memrise once gave. You have to understand that having people try out these changes on memrise “official” courses, and having views altered to the numbers of people easily accessible for opinion through the app store, does not necessarily mean that this is the most effective way. As I’ve said before about the algorithm that was ignored, we would absolutely love to help and test new methods of learning, but when suddenly sprung on us it’s not very considerate.

For Chinese alone, pinyin input no longer works. Characters are shown for other answers. As I’ve become aware over years of using the simple multiple choice answers, your brain will most certainly pick up extra info from words/characters in your peripheral vision. I do not want these clues for my brain! I want to recall words using my memory, using word associations I’ve made and with the mems that still load!

The importance of this website is its algorithm which tests right before forgetting happens. The algorithm is poorly impacted by speed tests, by too many clues, by too many hints. If tests become easier, then we progress further into the algorithm logs until one day, when the word is needed, it hasn’t been strengthened by self made mental muscles, but by clues. When i’m speaking to people on the street, their clothes aren’t littered with hints about the words I am trying to form together in my mind. This is what I think about the onscreen keyboard.

On the auto accept, for this I think it should be either shut off, or given an option to include. There are just too many entries where the more used definition is a longer word and a lesser used definition is shorter. Since it accepts the shorter entry automatically, it also forces which definition is reinforced.

Is memrise strictly a place to learn memrise official courses and utilize only a fraction of the potential of its algorithm because of the lack of consideration given to certain features? Or is memrise a place to create and learn through thousands of user made courses over years with gentle game nods and the formerly near-flawless algorithm now given less and less screen time to instead favor features favoring and supporting a lack of attention and an avoidance of ever being wrong?