Memrise Release Notes - 28 Nov 2017 (Update on changes to typing test)

Sometimes it’s not including a full stop or question mark, sometimes it’s having or not having a capital letter at the start, but sometimes it just doesn’t work at all.

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Yep! That’ll do it.

I haven’t noticed that…yet!

That’s interesting because mine has improved. If my answer doesn’t get auto-accepted, I usually have time to correct it, if it’s something simple like a missed punctuation mark, accent, initial capital, etc. That’s not always possible for long phrases, of course and it’s probably not the case if you are learning a language that, for example, doesn’t use the Roman alphabet.

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Nice update! Thanks

“guessing” does not help learning, Alan, maybe your mistakes rate is lower when memrising, but in real life…

Yes, agreed. Although, it wasn’t my intention to claim that I’m learning better as a result of ‘auto-accept’ or that I “guess” (!) my answers. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: It’s true, of course, that unless your first answer is correct in every respect, you haven’t learned that item fully…unless, perhaps, you happen to be a hopeless typist. :smile:

I am not a fan of ‘auto-accept’.

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Actually, making a mistake, struggling a bit to figure out the mistake, and then correcting the mistake, absolutely does support learning. Error-rethink-fix sequence is a fundamental human learning activity.

But, sure, it isn’t perfect. it does mess up the spaced recall, because an item you didn’t know should, in theory, come up again soon, and now it won’t. And it scores as correct any items that you thought had more letters on the end. And if you think of the review as a “summative test” to be scored, rather than a “learning activity” to further you along your educational path, then of course this change would be frustrating. But still…

Somehow, it feels like if I post anything that isn’t angry and bitter about this, I’m going to be slammed in the threads and personal messages. But in the languages I am learning, the courses I am learning, the recent changes have been an overall positive improvement.


That’s the big, big, big problem. Some weeks ago, I hadn’t so much time to work on my courses, and took them quickly on the app (with auto-accept: I didn’t know it was possible to turn it off on the app by then). When I get these words again now, many weeks later (as they were “known”, the repetition interval was very long), I see I don’t master them at all. I should have repeated them much more, but Memrise “thought” I knew them and didn’t need to repeat. So I did not learn these words correctly by then, and I have to use much time to learn them again now: this is all wrong.


I will make that move as well, even if my subscription is not finished.

Memrise seems to me like a good concept… very badly developped, probably with poor programmation, making every change too complicated.

That would explain their silence and that would explain the lack of conviviality and flexibility.

“Auto correct” is fixed - works now for offical Memrise 1-7 courses:

These force nowadays “strict-typing” when you use Cooljingle’s “all typing” user script, even they are configured (and were working well before the last update) as “non-strict-typing” for single words).

I hadn’t used Memrise for a few months but couldn’t believe the downgrade when I loaded it up this morning, and having found this thread I think it’s baffling that this has been going on for two months. The system remains awful for learning Japanese with IME and the web app. The keyboard reduces its effectiveness as a meaningful learning tool, auto accept is a needless crutch which further reduces the need for certainty and precision, the progression from one item to the next takes eons, and your previously entered text then remains in the next item’s entry field so you have to delete the previous answer for EVERY SINGLE ITEM.

Much as this is a new problem for me, I can’t believe that you would leave users waiting for close to two months with no meaningful fix for this. Good on the community for releasing some work-arounds, but I’m extremely disappointed in the dev team and very tempted to make the move over to a different application.


I agree with everything you say, save this… I am also learning Japanese (typing courses) and never had this problem

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Thank you for the information - perhaps this is a browser or some kind of driver issue on my end that I would bother to take the time to fix if it weren’t for all the other issues!

PS: When clicking “reply” under your comment on mobile web browser I was directed to the mobile app, and immediately prompted with a pop-up trying to get me to subscribe for the year, and was not subsequently redirected anywhere to ACTUALLY REPLY. Bad timing, Memrise, very bad timing.

Tom, I’ve read a number of postings by people studying oriental languages complaining about the last answers they typed showing up in the field of the next question and them having to delete the former answer before they could type the next answer. To try to find these posts, if you are interested in doing so, I suggest going to the forum for Japanese, the forum for technical problems, and the forum talking about the latest update (it might be this forum?), the exact name of that forum doesn’t come to mind right now. You can also file a report in the forum for technical problems, “Bug Control”. This problem was reported about two months ago. If they haven’t fixed it yet, that’s not encouraging. But, do file another report.

I never use the app nor a phone browser for memrising (one or two old laptops and a tablet from the many gathered with the years do pretty well the job). Maybe a browser on a laptop/tablet makes the difference (as said, i’m using the inbuilt IME how old fashioned :laughing:)

Yeah it’s a super-good feature to type a sentence, not have it auto-accept, then do the following dance:

“Hmm, maybe I got this conjugation or word or whatever wrong… nope… oh OK maybe it is that, but also with no capital… huh, no. OK, maybe it’s that but with a capital and a full stop… oh no OK so… er, this word instead? Nope… OK, this word with a full stop… OK, no, this word with a full stop and a capital?”

It’s fucking ridiculous.


There is one issue with the autocomplete blocking code, it doesn’t work with classic review it seems. For example, here

When you get an answer wrong, it autocompletes on the “review” box. I am not really sure why. Any idea? It’s probably a very minor change to the script


I didn’t touch there because that screen had auto accept feature from before this thread’s update had applied.

This one is more complicated than normal typing box and I think people who doesn’t have an IME issue doesn’t need to disable it, so I have written a separate script for this. I test it on Firefox with Tampermonkey.

Link to the script


This is perfect. Thank you.

Hi there,
Just wanted to leave my feedback. Auto accept is great for me. Thanks! Although the request to make it an option in setting is also a fair claim by many.

The change I don’t like in recent Web UI updates is that to run a classic review session, I very often need to choose More → Review. Classical review is the most popular choice by far by most user. It must be only one click away.