Memrise Release Notes - 27 Apr 2017

Brilliant post, Arete!

You mention all the most important things. Now we just have to hope that we get some response from someone high up at memrise :frowning:


as far as i know paying members don’t see each others mems either, it became worthless for japanese


I just found you on memrise because I remembered you in connection with a Chinese course. I found this information:

You have created FIFTY-SIX courses! WOW!

And thousands of mems…

Almost six thousand five hundred mems!!!

I cannot believe that you can possibly feel happy about the decision outlined at the beginning of this announcement. All those mems you made are presumably also no longer visible for people who come here and choose your courses. How do you feel about that?


i also wonder what the result of the brexit will be

memrise is british and lots of memrise users are not british

people tend to bd relaxed about the brexit, but we could all be quiet mistaken about it.
it doesn’t look to be a big deal, because after the referendum it was business as usual, but that was because the brexit didn’t happen yet

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Possibly could you make an option? Like you can or can’t see others’? Make the default can’t though…

Since it seems like they’re trying to raise conversion rates with the new Memrise official courses and making community courses difficult to find, why don’t they just hide non approved mems from those courses instead? It doesn’t make sense to break all the existing community courses because a few new users saw something offensive.


Please change it back! I really loved this app, but without mems, my progress has stalled. The people who contribute them are so clever, they come up with really helpful ideas and give me more details about what things actually mean. I’ve tried coming up with my own since this happened, but it takes me a very long time, especially learning Japanese kanji characters. Honestly, without mems, this is basically just a fancy flash card app. Mems were the best feature. I used to recommend this app to everyone, but now I don’t, because it’s become more hassle than help to me. Instead, all my friends are giving me recommendations to try other apps, so I’m probably going to leave Memrise now. Coz really, without mems, how can you call it "Mem"rise??? :frowning:

And just so you know:

  • I have never been offended by a mem
  • If I ever saw a mem I didn’t like, I just choose another one!
  • Just have a report button, the community here seems really cool, we can catch the bad ones
  • Other people’s ideas reinforce my learning, they are stronger than just my own mems!
  • You are not helping my “memory superpowers” - you are destroying them with this kryptonite!

I made an account here just to comment and vote for mems to come back, I really believed in this app and want to see it restored, but this is my act of desperation. If you don’t reconsider this terrible decision, I’m sorry, I’m out.


I thought my phone was just losing it these past few days, I thought, huh it sure is strange no one has made any mems for any of these words…well joke is on me I guess.
Do you know how many of those mems helped me learn crucial information about grammar, or cultural notes throughout studying over 8,000 words?
I can’t imagine the loss for people who’ve learned even more, much less spent hours upon hours creating custom courses like @Nukemarine has, whose course and guide have been the only reason I considered going PRO, but I sure as ell am not doing so now. I’ll just donate my money directly to him instead rather than a company so detached from it’s users. What is this? The forums of a bloody dying MMO? If you’re in such dire need of someone to clean up these elusive ‘offensive’ mems, hire me for 7.50$/ hr and I’ll get it spick’n’span.
(Probably because there were only a handful of truly graphic mems out of thousands and the rest were the equivalent of toilet humor.)
I’m tired of companies shooting themselves and all their customers in the foot while putting on a smile.


memrise will have to change this now :unamused::


This is something else that will need to change:


There are no mems here to help you learn.

Be the first to create one!

It needs to say:

There are no mems here to help you learn. You can create your own for personal use!


That or: There are tons of useful, memorable and helpful mems here, we just don’t care about your progress and all those people who took time and effort to create them.


That is how it seems. See my post about Ben Whately @TheLighthouse, he has made thousands of mems and also over 50 courses, for which he made mems, too.

I can’t believe he is on board with this decision. I have a feeling the whole “mem” thing is “his baby”.


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This thread has been up almost a week and still no reply from anyone on the memrise team!!!

I wonder what this silence means…


I saw and liked that one, and was heartbroken for you when I saw a screenshot of thousands of mems created by you :’( I can’t begin to imagine how all of you, who created or maintained courses and their mems, must feel…


Now I can realize how different it is with or without mems. I just mess up acquire, acquisition, aggregate and aggravate, assess , asset and etc… My learning process is going to a very disappointing direction comparing to the first days. Is there any similar app or website I can use? :cry:


147 people have voted now, and 98% don’t want this, please change memrise!!!

Here’s the link again: Want MEMS back? VOTE to make a difference

MEMS ARE BACKKK HOOraaayyy, Thank you so much memrise!:heart_eyes::kissing_heart:


@yazdanpanahforoogh “MEMS ARE BACKKK HOOraaayyy”

Thank you MemRise team for listening to our please or fixing the issue.

For our part, we will report any perceived offensive mems for your consideration.


I’ll be closing this topic.

Please have a look at the latest release note.

Happy Learning :cat: