Memrise or Duolingo?

What do you think of Memrise and Duolingo? Which one is better for learning a new language?

Duolingo is too playful.

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I use both (and have my goals set to the maximum in each). It’s a big time investment, but I find they both complement each other well. Nothing beats practicing with someone in real life, though.


Both. Memrise is the best to learn new vocabulary. Duolingo is good to understand “how the language works”.


I use both. They complement each other.

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I guess I need to know quite a bit of vocabulary from Memrise before I start using Duolingo, though. I mean, in Hebrew, lesson one includes a question like “Has father come?”.

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i use both, i make my vocabulary lessons on memrise and then use duolinguo for sentences … been usingduolinguo more since has korean japanese and chinese… and also works great for vietnamese! i think they should not be seen as competition but as complementary sites


A native Irish speaker told me that the Irish course on Duolingo is full of errors - doesn’t inspire confidence about the quality of its other courses. I’m sticking to Memrise.

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Memrise is the best one of the 2. If I Was You, Stick with Memrise, Duolingo can have a few errors


Well at the same time you don’t want it to be boring…?

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I’m using both. Ich like the practical usage of duolingo, but I think memrise is better for learning vocabulary. If I had to stick with one I’d probably choose memrise, but it’s a nip-and-tuck-race.


I don’t know about the other languages, but the German one is a joke on Duolingo. Memrise courses are better, but the old A1 and A2 memrise courses were superior to the new 1-7 courses. Just needed some tweaks here and there.

The sentences the A1 and A2 courses held were great grammar building even though they had no explanation, the structure was common and essential for everyday German. And they are still mind blowingly popular despite being unlisted on Memrise. lol.


@6aeab505596f4d3afa0e YOUR ACCOUNTS BEEN DELETED?!?

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I prefer memrise to study Japanese. I know many words in English, but I do not know grammar, so I’m not good at writing sentences in English. But in the memrise system I can study Japanese, mainly to learn words (even though I do not know much English), but the duolingo asks to write sentences in English, and then it did not work well for me


They are not that easy to compare, it’s like apples to oranges. Memrise is not really a program, it’s more of a system which you can customise however you feel like. I used Duolingo in the past…but after you finish the tree, there’s not much else to do compared to Memrise.

I think better is Memrise, becose you can create courses for yourself and Memrise may be used to learn grammar better that with Duo-lingo just copy and paste grammar rules in course, better if shorted rules in 10 - 20 words (better <10), can also break 1 rule in 2 or more if rule have sub rules or etc. or bigger that 20 words.


Duolingo is great but memrise has more of a more friendly atmosphere and a community


Oh I definitely prefer memwise I’ve just learnt there was a scam on duolingo which lost some people a lot of money

@MohammedSherwi: It is true :wink: