Memrise is not free anymore?

Any news from official representatives about this topic will be appreciated.
There is a similar discussion in Twiiter: .
But there is no official answer in it either.


I have written a post in above twitter thread too. I’m waiting impatiently to any news. It is really annoying. I can’t learn new words in app which should be free. They say it’s free. It seems it doesn’t. Frustrating. Especially when other platforms and the older users have free access to this. In fact I’m really pissed-off!

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What annoys me the most is that it was working for a few days before I got locked out.
Btw, I started a new memrise course just to check and that one was locked from the beginning.

An other thing that annoys me is that they fake that they don’t know what we are talking about or just don’t respond to it.

They are killing the website/app and they don’t seem to understand they do. Even them winning the best android app 2017 award will not help them once people start 1 star the comments on the android store and they lose their rating because of them lying about the app being free.

I am still hoping it’s a bug, but the more days go on, the more I am convinced it is not.

Looks to be ok now with the latest update. Thanks for fixing it!

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That’s great news :slight_smile:

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Yep. Not free. Level 1 free, everything else is locked. People need to stop using term “free” because it is not free app. New users are fuc*ed big time

@joybasic @MrMette

Personally I am using the Memrise Android app v2.9_3947 from time to time to learn new vocabulary (for reviews I am using the website exclusively with Cooljingle’s “all typing”, “Audio provider”, “Auto correct”,… user scripts).

I can NOT remember that I have seen any levels locked out, even for the offical Memrise Portuguese BR 1-7 courses.
I could double check if you want (Japanese or any other course might behave differently - I can triple check that too, if you want).
However, just like DuoLingo feature A/B testing on several accounts, this might also be user account related!

It is fixed for me since May 11th like I said. It is possible one of the mods passed it on and they fixed it on my account as I have seen other people still complaining about this on the Play Store as well.

I don’t really understand why it happens, but I haven’t seen it since and it works well for me.

I would recommend people who have this problem to use the usercreated courses instead (they kept on working for me) until the others work again.

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Are you definitely using the very latest version of the Android app?

So I was having the same issue. Downloaded the Memrise Android app and downloaded an language course. Apparently, the app has a space / rocketship theme to it. After nearing the completion of level / stage 1, I could not advance to level 2. The only button to show up were for the pro features, i.e: ‘Listening Skills’, ‘Meet the Natives’, etc. When I clicked next, I would get a banner that suggests I get the pro version. The other option was to skip and go to the next level. Choosing that just brings me back to the word list on the current level. However, if I back all the way to the course main menu, the one with the planets / levels, the only option the button/link is, again, only for pro features. But, from that same screen, I can click on any of the levels and can learn those levels for free.

So is there a bug? Possibly in the interface not taking me to the new level when I click ‘Skip to Next Lesson’, and no intuitive way to advance to the next level.

I have uploaded a screenshot.

I have been stuck in the same place for several days and unable to move forward because it wants me to try some premium stuff. I won’t. So I guess it is not free anymore. Which is a big bummer. I used to brag about Memrise. I used to love it. But I can’t use it like this. I am frustrated.

that’s odd
maybe some courses aren’t free, or only partly free

Memrise is still free on user created courses. But if you select Memrise created courses they let you usually do the first level but then you have to pay if you want to do any other levels.

Hi Gabriele,

it may depend on the app version you are using or if later versions have any bug, sync-issue / or maybe your account has stored the wrong data.

If you run into any of those issues re-try with this version.
Maybe you need to delete the mobile app cache and data files before and re-sync the app courses.

I was successfully learning new words for PT BR 1-7 from time to time within an Android emulator, so not all offical Memrise 1-7 courses are locked.