Markdown on vocab hint does not work with images

When adding an image to a vocabulary word, the markdown gets ignored. For example, if I create a mnemonic like this:
**learn** makes you **เรียก**
Then learn and เรียก are printed in bold which is normal Markdown convention. But if I then upload an image as a background for the mnemonic, the markdown syntax is ignored and the text shows up as the literal string “**learn**” instead.

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this is not a bug, it is an old failure of memrise… it was always like this (I am on memrise since 2013)

Um, how is not a failure to perform as designed not a bug? It might be old, and maybe they’ll never fix it, but it’s clearly a bug. Speaking of which, how can a guy help on the Memrise dev team to fix stuff like this?

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One uses “bug” differently, at least in here -:). Maybe you should report it as a bug, take care that Memrise has a “strict bug reporting policy” - your msg has to fulfil a whole bunch of prerequisites

I don’t see anything in that link that makes me think what I’m describing is not a bug. But it does make me think maybe the developers here are not very open to feedback. The message you linked to borders on rude, presuming that most people are submitting bug reports that just are not good enough for the amazing people who fix them.

Am I wasting my time posting here? Do the developers even monitor this forum? Does anyone even work at Memrise or is it kind of dying?

Yes, this is a problem, but it’s one that’s been there since the beginning of Memrise (I started using it in 2012). Memrise is aware but has never seemed interested in fixing this. So they don’t consider it a bug, just a missing feature not worth working on.

They have told us explicitly that they don’t want to hear feature suggestions from web users on this forum (or anywhere else, since they’re shutting down all other avenues for giving feedback). People certainly do work at Memrise, but what they work on doesn’t seem to be guided in any way by what users say, as far as I can tell.

I see, thanks for sharing that perspective. Well, I reported it as a bug, because it most definitely is one. The sad thing is, it would be easy to fix, I would think. Given the cost of membership, I cannot bring myself to complain about the quality of service. However, if they are angling towards a paid platform at some point, then maybe they should work on fixing some of these rough edges. Ah, well, as long as I get to my goal, I’ll be happy

Well, in the first couple of years, I used to ask if they would provide ways for users to donate money, because I wanted to. Eventually they added memrise pro, which is supposedly about extra features but does give a way for users to support the site … just around the same time they started making memrise gradually worse, and deflecting all user input. So I let my pro membership expire, and now we’re at the opposite situation from the first couple of years: There is an easy way to donate, and I no longer want to. : /

Yes, I tried Pro out and went back because I don’t really care about my “problem words” or whatever they call them, nor do I care about a timer. Bigger issues for me are the ability to add sound to an existing course and the ability to edit a mem once created.

I think someone made a script for Firefox and/or Chrome that made adding a lot of audio files at the same time way easier. Unfortunately I cannot seem to find where this was mentioned. Maybe one of these two threads could help you?

Edit: Actually, I just posted my reply on this thread, then I realized I could just search for this add-on on Firefox directly… :sweat_smile: So here it is: Memrise Uploader. I haven’t used it yet so I don’t know how easy it is to use this tool. I don’t know either if it still has some bugs or not.

As for the ability to edit mems, maybe I didn’t understand your point. If I understood what you meant, it’s possible to edit a mem you created. Just go on your profile page, and hover your mouse over the mem you want to edit. You should be able to see something like this:

The markdown is still ignored, obviously, but if you created mems using the markdown and want to edit them, you should be able to do so quite easily. You can also delete mems, as you can see.

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thanks for your very helpful post. Don’t I need to be the course creator to upload audio to it? I’m taking a course which is missing audio for most of the words, but is a good course nonetheless. Do you know how I can contribute to it?

You don’t need to be the course creator, but you need to be at least one of the contributors to the course. If you want to help with a course you like, you can contact the course creator to ask them if they can make you a contributor. Most course creators are looking for native speakers willing to help them with the audio, or for people who have a good knowledge of the language to help them improve their courses.

To contact this person, you can either use the course forum (they should receive an e-mail notification that a new thread was posted on one of the forums of their courses), or send them a private message using the Memrise forum if the course creator is also a member of the forum and your trust level is at least 1. I checked your profile, and you don’t seem to have trust level 1 yet. To improve your trust level, you can read a few more topics on this forum, I guess that should do the trick and get you to level up from “new user” to “basic user” (with the ability to send private messages).

Anyway, I’m glad this helped!

I’d be interested in that as well.

Here’s a different way to add audio that does work, but you need to be very computer literate to make it work, or ask someone who is to help you:

To get Google TTS for any course as a user:

Edit: and have a look at this thread:

I have Ivona Voices to convert your words into audio files