Mandarin Chinese 1 - 3 by Memrise (closed)

Hi, thank you for pointing it out. I’ve added alternatives for the item “土”.

is there going to be a 4th course edition and so on?

Mandarin Chinese 2 level sixteen

Why is de (的) treated differently in these two sentences:

  • kāfēi shì wǒ zuì xǐhuānde yǐnliào
  • zhè xiē dōu shì wǒ zuì xǐhuān de

Also, is there a reason why na xie and zhe xie are spelled as two words? Otherwise the course seems to be very eager to add grammatical words to the root word it modifies, e.g. women (我们), nage (那个), and bushi (不是).

Thanks for letting me know! The issues have been fixed now :slight_smile:

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This is the second day studying Mandarin on Memrise and finding the interface smooth.


There is a recurring error where the last syllable is denoted as 4:th tone instead of neutral. Ex. : zhège is written as “zhègè”, in the section “What do you like”.

I have not checked many words; so far the issue at least is with “ge”, when it is inserted and should become neutral.

It seems to be a common mistake writing mistake to make with the fourth tone on the last syllable generally and not changing it to neutral.
My teacher for example keeps writing piàoliàng when it should be written “piàoliang” (beautiful).

There is an error in the French version of Chinese 2 (Chinois 2). The phrase “zhègè háizi shì tāde nǚer” is translated as “cet enfant est ma fille”. It should be “sa fille” (his/her daughter, not my daughter).

New Chinese 1 course, level 3.

The female audio is the wrong way around for tiancai and ni shi tiancai.


I just started Chinese 1 (French interface). So far it’s going smoothly, but may I suggest an improvement?

For example : character 牛 is translated as “vache; boeuf; taureau” (cow; beef; bull). When being tested, if I do not enter the translations in the same order suggested on the card (let’s say I write taureau, vache, boeuf), the system says the answer is wrong. Is there a way to not take into account the order of the words? For words like 哪 with 5 different translations depending on the context, there’s no way I can remember the order by heart.

Thank you for creating Chinese courses!

Course 1, level 21.

The male audio for meinü says shuaige. Female audio is correct.

Course 1, level 25:

Native videos for hěn gāoxìng rènshi nǐ and hěn gāoxìng néng bāngzhù nǐ appears to be switched around.

I don’t know if this is the case for all of them, but I saw at least three different videos all of which were switched around. Normal audio was correct.

Thank you very much! It has been fixed :slight_smile:

Thank you very much! It has been fixed now :slight_smile:

Mandarin 1, level 11

The audio for 我喜欢喝茶 is 你不喜欢喝咖啡, if I remember correctly.


Memrise Chinese courses mark the tones as how they are pronounced in real
For item “这个”, both “zhègè” and “zhège” are corrected (see ). It is a matter of different
Thank you for your comment😊



in the new version of the course, the woman voice audio files for “talent, genius” and “you’re a genius” are inversed

many thanks

Thank you very much! It’s been fixed now. :blush:

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hello!!! in course 2 you have two words for fat, pang and fei… how can i know when i must type each???

now there are two fora for the same Mandarin courses??? how should I know which one is the right one???

As two courses are open, I will close the most recent and shortest one and ask you all kindly to go to this one: