Hi, I’ve been learning Japanese with Memrise now for a while, but I suspect this issue applies to all courses.
I have been plauged by a pretty tremendous bug, for a while now. And I would be surprised, if I were the only one with this experience.
Whenever I answer a question using the app, it always reads the word aloud to me (as it should). The problem is that the initial syllable(s) is left out more of the soundclip. E.g. if the word is こんにちは (kon nichi wa) it will read only にちは (nichi wa).
In the case described above, it is actually not a major problem because it will usually display the writing as well, which I am able to read; こんにちは = ko n ni chi wa. All the characters (hiragana) are the same, regardless of the context they appear in.
The problem is when I have a phrase like 妊娠しています (is pregnant), where I don’t know intuitively how to the first two characters (kanji) are pronounced because their pronunciation depends on the context. In this case, out of the whole phrase (ninshinshiteimasu) it might skip the first couple syllables (reading only nshiteimasu), which is hugely detrimental to my learning experience.
My guess is that the file is not properly loaded before it starts playing. I have had similar issue with the button-questions where it will read a word aloud and I have to pick out what is being said from a number of options. In some cases, especially if it’s a short word, I have to click the sound-button a number of times (I can see that the button is ‘breathing’ which indicates sound being played) before it plays any sound.
Like I mentioned, this is a pretty formidable error which needs to be fixed ASAP. I have been using Memrise for several years now, and this bug has been present for a long as I can remember. My frustration with this fundamental issue has discouraged me from adressing it, because I actually thought it was so apparent that the devs would work it out on their own. But they haven’t, so here we are.
This issue occurs mostly on my Android phone (although I’ve been through several other devices), but it also occasionally happens on my desktop computer, which is connected to the internet with an ethernet cable.