L’un des plus gros foirages

Si tôt dit, si tôt fait!
Aussitôt dit, aussitôt fait! as a variation

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gesagt, getan, :open_mouth:, merci!

btw, is “grosso merdo” still in use? what is a more up-to-date expression?

It will depend on the region your heard this expression from. I guess I am too old to keep you up-to-date.

I will EDIT when I have a new option from my kids. But all the actual slang comes from the social networks, usually abbreviations. I guess I would say it is a shame. A lot less poetic, “grosso merdo” sounds Spanish, should we ask the forum next door ? :smile:

wikitionary, mon cher: grosso merdo = variante burlesque et grossière de grosso modo. And today a guy at work used it. He is of “French extraction”, btw, but hier is a sort of “k.u.k.”, (or, as Musil said, Kakania :laughing:)


I must have missed out while I was an expat on that one. Thanks for the info, so grosso modo became grosso merdo.

I expected an other meaning since we are in the “foirage”, like a “big poop”.

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synonyms for “vitrail”, “verrière”? any? or these are the only words for big, glazed cathedral windows?

I can’t think of another one. But for the stained glass windows, only the first one. The second for large paned windows, not stained or detailed


I was reading a book about the music of the Notre Dame School and its “links” with the building (Fazit: " En musicologie, on considère fréquemment la construction de la cathédrale de Paris comme le moteur de la composition des polyphonies."

… btw, one can say only “les premières travées orientales de la nef” or can one replace orientales with à l’est?

(isn’t that strange that French does not have “estique” or something?)

We have only nordique. Otherwise : oriental, occidental et méridional.

c’est vrai que ça n’a pas l’air super…

“Orientales” would mean here orientated towards the East. “A l’Est” is more like, “at the east”.

sorry, this is a reply to what exactly? (cannot see any reply-arrow, sorry)

merci, @sircemloud