Khan Academy Users Hangout

hey 3rd : D

yeah, lily had to delete her memrise acount



Hey, I’m Will, I was part of the fight to make Duskpin an avatar, and I have 3,576,594 Energy Points!

Hello Lily,
Sapphire here. I’m a Khan user and I’m not afraid to say so. :heart_eyes: I absolutely adore Khan Academy’s math section and (this one I’m kind of embarrassed to say) listening to David Rheinstrom talk about grammar in his grammar section. He’s so funny and he makes it easy for me to learn better English composition (yes, I am an native English speaker). Also, I love cats, too. I actually have 2 cats (one named Obi - my stepmom named him for Obstreperous, even though everyone else, including myself say it’s for Obi-wan Kanobi - and one named Bootsie - because a couple of her paws look like she is wearing white boots). I am currently trying to learn Spanish and Korean on both Memrise and Duolingo. If anybody here goes on Duolingo and wants to follow me there, my profile there is: Viktor4ever. I’ll also follow you back. On Khan Academy, I’m best at math. Woah, I’ll get off. Sorry my comment is so long, guys! I apologize!