Kanji (I think) showing up in relatively basic hiragana courses?

Hello everyone! I was just wondering, is it normal for a Kanji character to occasionally pop up in my early hiragana lessons? I’ve only been at this for 2-3 days and I’m currently just trying my best to make sure that I have it memorized and to learn a few words that Memrise teaches. Also, I’ve been writing every word I learn on here down in my journal to practice my handwriting / comprehension, should I try writing down the kanji that I’ve yet to learn, or should I just write the Furigana? Thanks in advance for the help :smiley:

Post a link to your course, then you have more chance of getting the right response. One course is designed this way, another that way.

Thanks for the link!
There is a special thread for this course (and many other threads for others) to discuss any feedback like yours: [Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise.
I will post a link in that forum to this question and perhaps some specialist will respond (probably free in weekend, so expect they might not see it before Monday).