Japanese 2 level 6 - Some errors in the course/feature request

Hi again Memrise people! :slight_smile:

Just a reminder: I'm using the Dutch version of Memrise.

I’ve finished Japanese 1 a few days ago (though it’s still stuck on 246/249 words and I have no clue how to get the full 249 even after coming back to Japanese 1 for rehearsals).
After that I started with Japanese 2 and I found several things wrong in the course.

-First up there’s the Dutch translation of きれいです which in Memrise gets translated to “het mooi” which should be “het is mooi”.
-Apparently England/the Netherlands & English/Dutch got switched around somehow cause the course translates えいご as “Dutch” and わたしはいぎりすしゅっしんです as “I’m from the Netherlands” which isn’t correct.

I could only add one picture to this post since I’m a new user so I can’t show you the えいご translated as Dutch error.

Lastly I had a feature request(if I’m not totally misinterpreting the use of Kanji).
I love learning Kanji (too bad the Kanji levels are always so short :stuck_out_tongue:).
Though I whish there would be vocal sounds with them(and also sound challenges where you see one Kanji character and have to pick one of the 3 sounds which vocalizes it) so it’s easier to read the Kanji when you encounter them.
For example 英語 would be vocalized as えいご.

Drawing Kanji with your finger is probably too big of a request but would be really neat!

Thanks in advance!
And have an awesome day :smiley:

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise