yes but i is super lagey
I Can’t help then!
thx any way
that don’t actually work it is just fake
@15abyles is this the fake profile that is spamming people?
@MemriseMatty this 15abyles is no real account or user. It is a robot. User made 30 ago, first post 26 min ago… Rank overlord… Not possible
Hi @Jackson-Stewart_Port, We sometimes offer Memrise Pro trials within the app as you continue to learn and gain Streaks, badges etc. Keep up with you’re learning and you may be lucky enough to access one of these
thanks for the infomation
You totally changed the subject here, I don’t make any courses -
You did most of them, also you are changing the subject too
you started the off topic talk about hacked courses
can we stop this argument? it is getting us nowhere also Sam and Jack started me off on the idea
OK, Sure of course, but I didn’t start it
reporting you for using our names on the internet
STOP using our real life names!
You’re very quick in labeling someone a robot, and also wrong I think.
i know 15AByles in real life i can see him now so he is not a bot
you still make tons of hacked courses