Is Memrise acknowledging or responding to the community's concerns about the new design?

dont use those styles if you can find other resources for learning. even if i did not have other resources for learning, i would not use memrise at all, bc i simply dont want to support the company at this point. im telling everyone to stay far away from memrise.

I really doubt that a lot of people will do that because of a bad design.

I cancelled my subscription and got a refund because of it. I had just finished trialling it and one of the reasons I subscribed was because of its nice environment and fun theme. The new design destroyed that for me and it was no longer the service I had paid for, so I put in for a refund. I still like the content and I’m checkign back often to see if they make the promised “improvements” and I may sign up again, but I’m certainly not going to subscribe until this horrible mistake has been addressed.


I used the word not a lot because I know that some people would.

I understand that, but I think you underestimate how many might do so. I’ve stuck around with the free access because I do value the content and want to see the service restored to something less ghastly, but if I find another site with good content for Arabic I’ll probably leave entirely, and I suspect many others already have. Maybe not long-term users with a lot of time and effort invested, but newer users? Goodbye. For most other major languages, Memrise just has too many viable competitors that people can go to so they don’t bother voicing their desire for change and will just go. If I were studying, e.g. French, I’d have left entirely long since. I’ve seen several threads of individuals trying to find out how to cancel or request a refund because of the memrise changes, and that’s just the fraction of people who needed help to do so and found the forums; it doesn’t reflect how many just quietly left without saying anything. I strongly suspect there will be a lot more cancelled subscriptions than are visible to the average user.


OMG, that’s why I joined this forum, it’s so off-putting and distracting. Really really dislike. I wonder if they did any kind of user testing?


For me, it really affects usability, cause it’s that distracting. Since there are so many alternatives out there, I would rather pick an interface that I like, or at least doesn’t really bother me.


There were beta tests on the layout. Users complained then too, apparently to no avail.


Exactly looking for other apps that are just about the learning now… and less of painful UI and UX.

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I wouldn’t! Actually, I can live with the design, despite all the disadvantages (like almost indistiguishable icons for watering/learned/to repeat, etc). But the fact that they’re continuously introducing new bugs while fixing none of the existing ones is really making it harder and harder and harder to stick with them - I mean, much of the fun is history and all this demotivates me more than I can say.

And what’s even worse: by now I doubt that they don’t want to fix bugs. Instead I think that they simply don’t have the expertise to do so, IOW they probably can’t! They seem to not even be (capable of) trying to reproduce bugs, see here).
I’ll bite my tongue now, otherwise I might get carried away …


I agree fixing bugs is very important


That may be right considering the number of job posts they have open. They are hiring 4 engineers, 1 game designer, and 6 other different professionals.

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Duh, you seem to have good sources, at least ones I haven’t come across!

Are you going to apply? :smile:

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Oh, that easy! My bad. Cheers!

I’m beyond applying for anything. Luckily, after 25 years, I’m in the situation where I can just wait for people asking me to work for them. :sunglasses:


Maybe this can help to not lose your cards and have them freely for import to any other app:

I don’t want to cancel my subscription just because of the bad design (plus I can’t since I payed for the life long subscription) so I adjusted their (desktop version) design myself. You can use my solution if you like:

  1. install stylish browser extension:
  2. install my memrise skin/theme: Memrise Eye-burning Design Fix |

You’re welcome :wink:


Thank you. Very nice skin, my eyes don’t hurt anymore. :slight_smile:
Too bad that the app can’t be modified that way. That’s why I turned the auto-updates off and I’m planning to keep the old version for as long as they let me.


At least now we all know how it feels to be colorblind.


:joy::joy: Yeah that’s the only positive of the new design, all Memrise users can now sympathise with the colourblind

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