Improvements to the Dashboard

I personally don’t feel like any of these changes were needed or that they are useful in any way… As has been previously stated, the course list looks too crowded, too small, with share and bin buttons that are too big and are really not that important here. I’m also annoyed that when switching from one course to another I have to scroll down to find the next one in the list whereas before it would automatically update to display the next one. I just find these changes more confusing than anything. Then again I’ve never really understood why you’ve been constantly redesigning the interface tbh.


To be fair, most web sites do refreshes of their look and feel, to fix mobile app issues (which by now is the biggest client of web sites), so I don’'t mind changing the look and feel from time to time. It does not cause me problems for learning languages.

I rather want their resources to be used to fix bugs and add useful learning features.


Last Friday my Android app got updated and I thus received the dashboard update. It really did drive me up the wall and I committed myself to sleeping over it before posting.

Still, it does again feel like you guys asked some web-developer - who knows nothing about the app or its features - to change things. No or too little effort was made to ensure that existing functionality was not affected through the update Because, as it seems, the course page (including the share option, leaderboard and others) has simply disappeared. In the previous version you could tap the title or the pencil icon. Neither of them works anymore.
Not good, not good at all.

As said by others, it is really incomprehensible as to why there seems to be a focus on continuously changing the layout when there is little need to do so, particularly when fixing things should be prioritized.

All that said, I was lucky to find out that, while my cell phone already updated to the latest version, my tablet (which is the device I use most of all times) hadn’t.
I didn’t find any setting to keep auto-updates while only turning it off for the Memrise app.
Any pointers to how to do this?


yes, if it is an android tablet.
Go to the google play store and select the memrise app.
In the top right corner select the 3 vertical dots.
You should be able to see and disable “enable auto update”.

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Great, thanks!

Please also see this closed thread.

Cc @renecobain279


I posted this on another out dated feed but my suggestions are based on this current update;

I believe the rocket needs to go, perhaps a sun would better reference ‘daily goal’.

I also would prefer if the bins and the sharing icons were removed. These could be replaced with a simple universal swiping gesture that reveals the icons when needed. Once this has been implemented then there would be space for more important things such as a total of difficult words and words needing to be reviewed.

I think the profile icon on the top right corner needs to be put back down on the bottom navigation bar. It is currently too small and takes away space from course titles.

A highly requested design change that I have seen many people suggest which still hasn’t been implemented is to change the review icons back to various colours not the current monotonous look it has now.

I also personally wish there was an option to turn off auto suggestions for the next lesson. Sometimes I would like to do multiple sessions of learning new words straight after each other, but with the auto suggestion I have to keep selecting the three dots then select the learn icon to change to what I want instead of a swift continue button.


Same here. It would be so much nicer to just continue to the next words without having to go through all of the rigamarole.


Someone please call me when they’re done with this silliness and start finishing/fixing features ( or even adding, one can dream ), grammar, bots, you know stuff that actually matters
( I’m happy to have dark mode though, single good thing that came out of this so far )


Unfortunately the problem persists. Moreover, when I complete day streak using web app, I don’t see it completed on mobile.

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@Antonia_Bati16 @SKKreativ

It would be great to have more customization:

a) an option whether you want to learn in automatic mode or to make choices by yourself. I would deny automatic mode its right to even exist, but I suppose some people like it. Reverse option should also be available for those who can learn independently of robots.

b) if you wish to learn on your own account then you will have several buttons for learning modes at the bottom of the screen (buttons are also could be a subject of further customization) instead of a whole additional screen, which is just inconvenient to open every time.

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I wouldn’t want to automatically do more. What I’d like is an option. When I’ve done the amount of words I choose to do in a lesson (mine is currently set for 5 new words at a time), I have the option to continue with 5 more or do something else. I don’t like that I have to essentially go backwards to go forward.

Amen to this!

Thank you for your feedback. Thanks to the changes we introduced now the code on both dashboard and course selector uses newer and cleaner code and it is easier for us to work with it and continuously improve it.

We are iterating on this though to reflect some of the feedback we’ve heard and we will continue to improve it. We know that long course names are seeing some problems and that the icons use quite a lot of space on screen, as well as other things. You will see further improvements coming in the next few updates.

Thank you,


It would be great if you could make it a habit to actually communicate changes and new features somewhere, preferably within the update-message in Google Play itself!
That is, something more meaningful than what you keep posting presently - there’s got to be some jester in your own ranks … :wink:


Last Monday my (some two weeks or so) older version of the Memrise app wouldn’t start, so I went ahead and installed the latest version, knowing that the changes to the dashboard and course screen would probably irritate me (that was the reason why I turned off auto-updates for the Memrise app).

But I’m lost for words just how friggin’ much this version bothers me! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

It’s not that the order of levels has been reversed for whatever reason (we’re now falling instead of rising, but that I can live with).

It’s not the fact that you can no longer access a course’s details and, instead, the abstract is now dangling at the very top, strangely wrapped.

And it’s not that the course’s leaderboard can only be accessed from a session summary either.

All those are changes to the worse, but I’d quietly accept them and wait for “better times”.

But who on Earth came up with the idea to scroll to the top each and every time you access the course list?
I can’t tell how much time I’m wasting to find the next course I want to work on and how many times I accidentally pick the wrong course, resulting in my order completely messed up!

@MemriseSupport, @JBorrego: please, please, please - undo at least the scroll-to-top change!
I’ve pretty much accepted that, often, changes aren’t for the better (even though I was under the impression that you were about to go into the right direction!), and I’ve learned to be patient and to pull the punches, but this here is just such a drives-you-up-the-wall-every-five-minutes feature, it makes me want to throw my tablet out of the next window like a zillion times when I use Memrise!


Strange, now it’s not working properly inside levels, maybe, I spoke too soon. Inside a level you return to the top of the list after seeing an item. After classic or speed review it’s fine, you remain where you were.

We would like to but things arent always that simple. Releases don’t always include user facing problems. We need to make them more internally comprehensible, they need translations, they need to be linked to the vendors release at a specific time (so they some times delay releases). Prepping ahead of time isnt always possible either as some times you don’t deliver what you wanted on time so…
But yeah, ideally we would like them to be more informative too :slight_smile:


Last weekend was bank holiday weekend here in the UK and that meant that our week was a little shorter. The week before we skipped release due to this (week being shorter and us not being able to monitor after release) and last week being shorter we did not make it in time unfortunately.

Thats not ideal, as you have had to live with what we know isnt a great user experience for the course selector for a little longer. As I said a few days ago, we had prepared many fixes for the problems you raised around that but they could not go out due to the reasons above. We have now started rolling the latest update with those fixes (and there are a few more coming) and we hope you can get them in your devices in a couple of days.


Actually, it’s simple.

Post release notes right on this forum in English - with brief description of your inner works and at length about changes affecting users.

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Never heard of other web sites posting release notes to forums…