Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

You can study all the words you have learnt on different courses in any given language you have learnt on the memrise website, actually.

I prefer to review individual courses myself, but there IS the option to review a particular topic or language, too, which is available on the memrise website, and the same option is on Decks, too.


The Memrise provided language courses will for long time be restricted to a few languages, forget Icelandic, Farsi, Tibetan, Thai, Finnish… That’s where the user-provided languages fill a gap.


I checked Spanish courses. A very popular language. 7 official courses have 20k to 200k learners. User-made ones are up to 90k.
I’d still say the official ones are more popular, not 90%, I agree. On par.
I’m not even close to be a new user. But I definitely try to be an yes-person. Like in the movie.
And I’m not your enemy here. I complained about removing the user courses as loudly as I could.

Sounds silly. The user made courses for French seem more comprehensive than Memrise’s own and I’d be considering a paid subscription if it wasn’t all just getting moved to another site.


I would definitely agree with you, that some of the user made courses are not too good, but I think it is a minority. It is definitely possible that you simply had bad luck while picking. That would be no wonder, as we have no way to rate the courses. I hope you you’ll have better luck in future, some of the courses are really awesome :slight_smile:

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As said not all languages have official courses. And not all official courses have videos and grammar bot. So half of your point is moot. And official courses cover only low levels, soon they have nothing to teach you anymore.
The only thing I agree about is audio, sadly most user made courses have none and that’s frustrating, they should just implement a loudspeaking bot. And the sentences, having to build sentences helps learn word order, rather than just learning words.


If not all the official courses have the main advantages, such as the video, what are their users actually getting for their money? :smiley: They sign up for a site promising “talking like a local, lots of videos, 200 language courses” and their target languages has a few low level badly made courses without video or grammar, that’s bad luck :smiley:

I agree the user made courses could do with more audio. A big part of the problem is the adding process being rather complicated and time consuming. I gave up a few times already (perhaps will try again during the summer). An easy import from forvo (that would be the best or the loudspeaking thing bot you suggest would be awesome. This one change would improve the Decks immensely!

Learning with sentences makes sense but not like this, this is not learning to build sentences, just to parrot a few of them. There are better examples.
AJATT uses decks of 10000 sentences and memorises a large part of the grammar with them, because everything is there many times. Memrise teaches a few phrases. Duolingo teaches sentences and takes alternative translations from you, does Memrise? Speakly lets you fill in parts of the sentences, ranging from one word to the whole sentence, trying to make you understand how to use the language. Memrise just lets you memorise some sentences copied from a phrasebook (and sometimes not entirely correct on top of that). Really, the sentences in the official courses are a flaw, not an asset, I’m afraid.

I can not see the benefit of doing the same on two different portals and apps. The new system brings me only disadvantages. I’ll probably say goodbye to Memrise and the pro membership and have to look for an alternative.

I was talking about word order. i don’t know about other courses, but in Dutch it’s very hard to learn word order and the official course helped me a lot with that. With Duolinguo on the other hand I learned 0, maybe a tiny bit of grammar and some words. As for custom courses, which we were comparing too, I never met one where you have to put words in order.

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Oh, yep, I would love a loudspeaking bot. It would make courses much better, ‘cause now i have to check many pronouncations in google translate :frowning: And yep, admins’ courses are mostly the basics, so it would be great if the admins add advanced courses.
And yep, I might have been unlucky and i will be unlucky, 'cause I am Polish and I mostly take courses in Polish and there isn’t as much Polish people willing to make courses as English speaking :frowning:


I still don’t understand the point of Decks. Isn’t it just exactly the same thing?


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To cut a long story short, later this year all our ‘community-created’ courses will only be available on Decks (they are developing a Decks app to complement the website). From that point, the Memrise website (and the Merise app) will only have their ‘official’ language courses on them - because they want to develop them in a way that our ‘community-created’ courses can’t be. As far as I know, Decks will remain free to use. For subscribers, they’ll get the ‘extras’ provided by the ‘official’ Memrise courses.


Oops nevermind. I just didn’t know the proper way to add Difficult Words. I just found that I have to go into Preview to add them.

Thanks for explaining :slight_smile:

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So I’m a little unclear on something. From what I can gather, there will be a user option to disable the timer on Decks when it launches, right?

So…what about the memrise website itself? Will a timer on/off option be added there, or will the web version just sort of sit the same way it is now, minus the stuff transferring to Decks?

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So what’s the point in keeping my subscription now that it’s gone UP BY $100?! And I can’t download stuff offline, and I can’t use an app. WHY ON EARTH would I give me money for less?

Also, does anyone know how to back up my own created courses? Would love to not lose all those hours of work after the migration.

I copied and pasted each level into Google Docs. Bit laborious, but because a search of an individual word in the database will only give you the words, but not where they are, I needed to do this anyway.

There is a way to export an entire course including all audio files. There was a discussion on this here on the forum, including instructions on how to do this. I did a quick search, but couldn’t find it (don’t have much time now I’m afraid). Try and search for Anki and export/import or something like that. If you can’t find it, ask again. I’ll probably have more time to do a search over the next few days and would try again.

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Thanks for notifying

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how to add lots of audio file once?