Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

I am a 130.000.000-points, 5900-words-learned, long-time paying Memrise fanatic. When people ask me what my hobby is I always reply: MEMRISE!
But. I suppose there’s no reason to keep paying anymore if this split continues. I guess I’ll be switching to Decks completely and just continue learning for my own sake. Why wouldn’t the progresses be synced? What is the thinking behind that?
Also. Memrise started out as a user-created-courses website. That is its strength! The official memrise-courses came later. They are new! Why wouldn’t you create a new website for them, instead of the other way around.

I really don’t understand this. There was this period in which Memrise made one mistake after another, and more and more users complained. The weird lay-out changes, the ziggy fiasco and the deletion of popular functions.
But then you fixed most of the problems, and you even removed ‘ziggy’ with a post saying “we listened!”. So. Can you people listen to your users again? I don’t think ANYONE wants this change to happen in this way. It’s going to cost you a LOT of money because I’m sure most paying members will all cancel their subscription.

In a way, perhaps, it’s good. I use memrise mostly for my own personal courses. And I pay for memrise because I think you deserve to get paid for this fantastic platform. My favourite paid functions are the offline-mode (which… now will be gone), and my learning stats (will they stay?).
So, when I switch to decks I’ll lose some of the fun and some of the functions I suppose. But It will at least save me money as I continue to learn. But this time, only at home then, because there won’t be an app.

RIP Memrise 2010-2019 (or will you manage until 2020? Let’s see!)


I’m quite annoyed by the new update as all my courses are community based. When the new website ‘Decks’ goes live I will loose all my progress in terms of my point score, and I have been using the app for around 5 years now. Kind of inconvenient to change when students like me are trying to revise for their GCSE exams this summer


About lack of mobile app:

memrise team, just give us REST API and we will build and maintain opensource mobile app.

What do you think?


@nphx, yes, possibly.

But for me these “courses” on a new platform will be throwaways. They will not work anymore - no application, definitely bugs on the platform that no one will be fixing, because there is no commercial interest and so on.

I believe, that memrise at first decided to delete them. But then though, Ok, let’s name a trashbin a new site? Oh, a great idea!


@Rosalynn, I’ve heard good things about Anki as an app to create your own flashcards. I’ve never tried it though


What about courses created but not published yet (not open for the whole Memrise community)? Are you going to migrate them to the Decks as well?


Why not just clone the memrise App and put another Name and a second Database behind it? There you can seperate the two course types and still keep all features active for the community-based courses. Even if you do not have the capacities to maintain both apps, you can copy the bugfixes in the main app into the second one still and get staff for later updates.


Not overly keen on this change as I don’t see the need for it, but this new website, can we have the ability to merge our created courses with eachother if we wish too? I have lots of small courses and think that it’d be cool to merge them all together into one.

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i tried anki some time ago, it has a really oldfashioned GUI but its functions are great. But you have to evaluate the vocabulary yourself. its more like a classical flashcard box

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I’m so dissapointed. I use Memrise for years and whenever someone asked me how I learn foreign languages, I say “for vocabulary I use Memrise. There are thousands of free courses mostly made by the COMMUNITY”. You are about to change and spoil everything! Big shame for you!


Please, please don’t do this. This is a terible idea.


I’ve never contributed in these forums, despite having been a Memrise user for a very long time. There’s a million people with more points than me and who have spent more time than I have, but it’s been an important part of my study for all the 5 years I’ve had an account.

I’ve been on-board with most of the changes around here. It’s all part of the natural growth, as such a consistently effective SRS was a flame which language-learning moths crowded to by the hundreds, the thousands, the millions. I’ve relied on the community created courses for almost all of my vocabulary in my second language Japanese- the variety of courses of high quality catered for almost any learning situation you could think of.

I’ve dabbled in the Memrise created courses, but these invariably end at a low level. Once these are done, it’s up to one of hundreds of community created courses to take you those next steps as you take your first shaky steps into the language proper.

There’s a lot of stuff out in the wide universe of user-created which the average person wouldn’t use. But, there’s non-memrise courses which have literally millions of users. Is your intention to disregard the countless hours of unpaid work, and to blow off the thousands, if not millions of hours spent by your own users learning these courses, just so you can push your own courses?

Unless you’re willing to create 1000+ high quality new courses to fill in the gaps you’re going to create, you will alienate your most committed users (incidentally the ones most likely to have Pro), gain a reputation as being low quality (seriously, who wants to learn a language only up to A2 level?) .

I didn’t like when you replaced the levels with that ziggy nonsense, but I guess that was to make the place more friendly and fun. However, I am deeply disappointed with this decision and hope that my voice can be heard with the hundreds of thousands of users you’re ignoring.


Just cancelled my subscription.



I’ve been using Memrise every year for maybe 3 or 4 years, I don’t even remember exactly…
I remember I almost left when the courses forum disappeared, because this was a good way to report mistakes to the crouses creator and after that I noticed lot of mistakes with no way to contact the author.
Yet I stayed, every day, because there was nothing better… But I’m using the Android app, 99% of the time! I dont mind you separating official courses from community courses, but there has to be an app…


In this way they will loose paid subscription, because most of the users will move to this clone.

Here we see a great divide, they are trying to make Memrise great again.

They are in fact splitting the olde Good Community Memrise (now Decks) and the new shiny Memrise. I believe that after this split there will be changes for the subscription policy. May be per course, or different levels, who knows?


Anki’s good, but its courses are fewer and it’s got a larger learning curve. Once you’ve got past those barriers it’s almost equal to Memrise

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You can import your memrise course, even with your progress, into anki. I used an extension that time, but it was a bit buggy, don’t remember why, maybe they fixed this.That was some years ago. So you could switch without losing your progress.

Ups, wanted to reply. You can import your memrise course, even with your progress, into anki. I used an extension that time, but it was a bit buggy, don’t remember why, maybe they fixed this.That was some years ago. So you could switch without losing your progress.


Yeah, but they could just take a second subsciption for the decks app then.

Has anybody used Quizlet?

Maybe a good alternative

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