Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

Yes it smells more and more that it’s not technical, it’s an image thing where they want to control the content.


off topic: your statement is contradictory… how do you know how learning goes on the web version, if you did never use it. (I’ve joined memrise on March 9, 2013, and I cannot stand the app…). If one wants to be heard, (not by memrise, they will push their thing regardless of what the user base is saying), at least one has to try to be coherent …

I am speaking as a course creator and curator and long term user of “memrise”, who spent weeks and months creating and curating…I made my “mourning and grieving for memrise” phase some 1-2 years ago, together with many wonderful co-memrisers and ex-memrisers… so maybe I seem totally unsympathetic, but the Cooke-Zohar team made it clear for the last 3-4 years that community created courses are just a dead horse to them… One just had to listen. I find it amazing they did not simply announce that the community created courses will not be hosted ahymore at all (they will probably say this after one year of “decks”)… I repeat, I do not say that what they are doing is right, but… one saw it coming…


Hi everyone,

as the majority of the members I’m pi***d about the anouncement. The company is brushing away the community work. They think they don’t need it anymore.

Here’s the thing. This is the internet, call me naive but I think a feedback within the community can be strong.

Have a look as the play store; maybe this is the better place to express our concerns and anger. Why? Because this is next to memrise ba**s. Members started already to express their opinion about the changes their.

I don’t want to start a riot or something like that. Just giving a thought. My email request for answer was ridiculous. The email adress for answer didn’t even exist. What a costumer service!

I’m just thinking which chanal is the best to adress your/mine concerns and our anger. Maybe the play store/apple store is the better one. Because it’s more directly


@Angharad.Merfin I almost never study on the website, but I have to use the website learning function to join courses (there’s no “join” button, so you just have to start), so I am very familiar with how it works. And there’s been a few times when I’ve been at work, away from my device, when I’ve used the web version.

Together, I’m sure these amount to less than 1% of my study time.


I think memrise wanted to delete user created courses from the beginning(when they decided to become a course like Rosetta) but knew people would get angry really angry and needed a way to get rid of them for their new business model and at the same time to not lose lots of customers in the process so then someone at Memrise thought about this website sister and after some debates they decided to name it Decks, which is just a mere strategy to try to not make people so angry.

Just my guess though xD Right @kevin5284???


Yes I have changed it. My 4 star review is now 1 star. Memrise is killing their service.


Apparently we are a small minority (albeit vocal) to Memrise. But are we really? I know that I myself was introduced to Memrise in 2016 when I started learning Italian at uni and one of the students had created a course to match our textbook. That was the start of my association with Memrise. Since then, I have contributed and created courses in French, German, Italian (all of those to match my university learning) and custom Swedish for my daughter. Recently I was thinking about creating a custom Korean course for my hubby. Memrise is a wonderful tool for language learning, and unlike most of the competitors. I especially like how I can track my learning with my friends and fellow students. Oh, and did I add that I ONLY use community courses? (Tried some official courses, not good enough.)

I believe I am responsible for introducing Memrise to at least 100 people, some who have found it invaluable (most, if not all, who ONLY do community courses, like myself, because it suits our needs), and many who are PRO users. I tried PRO a few times before, didn’t find it particularly useful but recently took a subscription anyway in gratitude. What I don’t understand is how the company has not addressed this issue - we haven’t been told how useful it is to have a Pro subscription if we are all moving to Decks? I ONLY use community courses, everyone I know who use Memrise, all use community courses.

I am a web user as I find the experience more enriching (faster, more efficient et al) but I also use the app especially if I am on the go. I won’t miss the loss of the app for DECKS but I do worry that a “forever free” website will eventually close down or deteriorate in quality. For why would a company who wants to make more money, be interested in maintaining a free website with no potential for profit??? So I have to agree with everyone who is outraged that Decks will probably be a dead horse in a year or so.

I found out about the change to DECKS because I’ve created courses and Memrise was notifying community-course creators. How many people, who use mainly community courses, but don’t create courses themselves, don’t know about this change? And thus, we seem like a minority…but are we truly a minority?

Wake up Memrise, you are going down the path of no return and will lose base with loyal users…the ones who are really serious about learning languages do so at schools, universities, institutions…we use textbooks…thus the need for community courses!

Oh and yes, like everyone else, I will be cancelling my subscription (what use is there when DECKS is “forever free” and no one’s told us what functions it will have) today and leaving a (bad) review.


Have to agree, the app learning is NOT far superior - I use both and I find the app annoying but still useful.

Meanwhile, as we voice our complaints, Memrise decides it’s a good opportunity to ignore us and just update their app with more corporate “official” stuff.

No wonder they’re not listening to us. They’re too busy improving their app, again.


It’s sad that with these technological advances I cringe everytime I hear “new and improved”!!!

It’s like reading their release notes, I was interest in what was fixed and the release notes talked about birds and bees.

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I’ve already deleted my Memrise account. To learn Japanese I have my Anki courses and for the European languages I was learning, I will stick with duolingo for a while.

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Something tells me that come mid-March there will be a second wave of user’s outrage and indignation and another shitstorm, perhaps even bigger than first. Because practically no one likes this novelty.

The thing is there are a lot of learning nerds in the user created courses who don’t know yet how doomed they are (I’m just looking around and see what people are learning). Maybe it’s wishful thinking about the very last chance to change something, but we’ll know really soon.


I hope so xD I deleted my account already and maybe I shouldn’t be here because of that but… I’d like to see how things end for Memrise. I wanna see what’s gonna happen next month xD

I already transferred most of my Japanese, French and Italian courses; courtesy to wilddom . If it weren’t for them, my progress would’ve been set back a month at best. Deleting your Memrise account sounds a bit extreme. If not for anything else, it’s nice to have it and come back a couple months or so later to see what happened.

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I mean, heck, I usually don’t check the forums or my emails that often. It just so happened that I logged in a couple of minutes after the Memrise team posted this thing. So it was pure coincidence in my case.

describe minority:
That’s not describing for me what people like you are for Memrise, sorry.
It’s like in many communities. Some are working and sharing their knowledge for many. Thanks to them!

Memrise used to ‘use’ that and to cheer that… If they don’t appreciate this anymore, members have to show them that they are wrong. But you can’t tell them the facts over moral posts or complains. Sad but true. Money is the key. Recommendations, Abos… that’s what counts.

I value you work even though I didn’t studied your courses. Fight for it but not here where they can ignore you!

Yeah, it was a bit extreme. But I have everything I need on Anki. I hate this kind a extreme circumstances they create that shake my peace xD If they continue doing this, then there is no reason to continue investing my time on Memrise. If they decided to not continue this path, how long before they come with another stupid decision that will totally ruin my day like yesterday… then… still I don’t see why continue wasting my time with such company which makes extremes actions from one day to another.


Do you mean their latest update for Android? I have installed it. Nothing is broken (yet), but Chinese flashcards with symbols are not fixed (still). :slight_smile:

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No. I was talking about this post in particular. I stumbled upon it right when it hit, despite not being active on the forums much. Also, the app was and will always be broken/bugged. No amount of course purging is going to change that.

They’re saying that this separation will be beneficial for their official Memrise site and app, but even that is not guaranteed at all. With all their terrible decisions and stubborn refusals to fix the actual issues, it’s pretty clear that they will screw up, regardless if they split the courses or not. The only difference is that now, there’s gonna be fewer people to call them out on it.