Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

I could record audio… I have an unusual natural accent but can do a good general British, too, if that’s what’s needed. Will definitely be contacting in morning for more info on project, as sounds promising. Especially with Memrise seemingly going down the drain the now.

I’ll cancel my subscription as well. 1. More advanced courses won’t be available on non-mobile devices. I almost always use Memrise with my laptop, because it’s HUGE difference between learning with app and lap. I hate to use phone. The level of official Memrise courses is too low to learn them with a computer. I liked Memrise because, in general (with member-courses), had higher level than for example Duolingo (for me it’s pretty sh…ty) 2. When I used smartphone for learning: I payed ONLY because I could revise and learn offline- at the bus, train etc. ONLY. No application and offline learning- no payed subscription (and probably I won’t learn with memrise anymore. And I’m not the only one…). It’s obvious. As someone else said - If you make this change, you will lose all of your Premium members. 3. What will you do with MEMS? are also different on website and app.


I got my annual subscription because I wanted offline mode for my train journey. How should I go about claiming a refund for the unused part (I think it will be 9m).


The admin postet this link earlier.

Memrise Support - Refund Request

I’ve submitted my refund request as well. let’s see how they will react.


IOS store subscription refund requests has to go via Apple. Justify in your message why you want a partial refund so Apple has to contact Memrise.

I’ve been a user of Memrise for 6 years now, subscribed for 1.5 years, and am using my own courses 100% of the time now. If all functions of Decks are supposedly free and there isn’t even a mobile app anymore, there will be no reason for me to keep paying for Memrise, since it will be a service I do not use.
As other people have mentioned, there is reasonable fear that you will just close down Decks again after a while to leave people no other choice but to use Memrise, but… since it will be no longer a service I need, I will just move to another service instead where I can build my own vocab database.

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The admin postet this link earlier.

Memrise Support - Refund Request

I’ve submitted my refund request as well. let’s see how they will react.

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(Plus more characters to make a longer message as just thanks wasn’t enough :wink: )

Lol. I’ve never been a fan of Apple, but like the idea of hundreds of refund requests going through them and them just shaking their heads, looking at Memrise and saying “What a bunch of f*cking idiots”.

edit: About Memrise, not the users – you know, just to clarify.


I like how all of Kevin’s comments basically amount to “we know you guys all think this is a terrible idea but we’re doing it anyway”.


Why are you saying you are committing to supporting community created courses forever with Decks for free, as if that wasn’t a base expectation of Memrise?

Before this announcement, Memrise has shifted development away from improving community created courses to their own in-house courses. Continuing to host the courses with the app and everything else was simply the most base expectation.

Those courses were already free minus some optional pro features. Decks is giving some of those features for free but removing much more in exchange (namely App support and offline mode).

Also, even just from a business standpoint there should be news about revamping the course creator with more features and quality of life changes. No, there is no news any real commitment to support the community courses more than you have been before, instead we are getting less support.

When you say you are committing to support it forever, it sounds like the alternative was that you would discard the community courses. You think we should be grateful that you value them just enough to push them to the side and keep them alive but without any app support and no features we didn’t have before?

Memrise grew because of this community. Committing to supporting the community courses forever was always the base expectation, so this statement is meaningless. Memrise has stuck to that bare minimum for a while, but this is reduction of your previous commitment.

Our courses are apparently not worth the development time and money it takes to support an app. Even though you already have them working in an app right now, so it’s not like you have to develop a new one from the ground up.


We’re going to have to wait until we hear more from Kevin and co. as the rationale for doing this is far from obvious. The lack of an app and offline is not just a backwards step for Memrise but also out of step with the competition. If these features were exclusive to Memrise and obviously expensive to maintain then it would make sense. But they aren’t, so it doesn’t.

You would think this model of community content provided for free and with a proven customer base paying real money would at least wash its face.

My fear is that it actually does but it isn’t providing the sort of return that pays back previous funding rounds so they are going for broke with grandiloquent claims of new paradigms of online learning, while the existing model is sacrificed so all resources can be focused on the brave new world.


Just when I thought you couldn’t come up with anything worse than that shitty mascot.

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This so much! They make it seem like this is their ONLY option and that we should be greatful for it. Like the app didn’t become what it is today BECAUSE of the community, like you pointed out. They would be nowhere without our continued support and hard work we did for FREE. Some of US even paying THEM while still working to make THEIR app better. And going forward their stupid Memrise courses are gonna need us to go through and correct them, that much is already apparent given the abysmal state many of the courses are in. Do they think we are going to invest the time in helping them any further?


I have been a paid user for several years and I’ll cancel my membership in a heartbeat if there is no app for the so called Decks. I use both the memrise and community generated course. I don’t think this change is absolutely necessary but I don’t mind if they move the user generated contents to Decks but to lose my offline mobile access/app access is a no-no for me. I’m a paid member because I love this platform and feel obligated to support it but if they take away a feature without considering user feedback, then GoodBye!.

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Hi everyone,

If you don’t like this change, please hit Memrise where it hurts: the pocket. Beside cancelling membership, please also write reviews in App Store, Facebook, etc. to say that this is an extremely bad move to move to Decks and not having apps and offline mode for community created courses. Please do mention as well something like the official Memrise courses are too basic and not worth paying the membership.



I don’t think they are talking about abandoned courses, rather the lack of contacting the creator! There used to be a forum back in the good old days where one could notify the creator with mistakes.

It is so obvious that you aren’t listening Kevin (or rather you have a set list of answers…)

Extremely disappointed in this change, the using the community courses within the mobile app is the sole reason why i use Memrise, and i pay for Pro which i will promptly cancel if i can no longer do what i need to do.

The memrise courses for Japanese are way too basic for my level and having to use a browser based experience will undoubtedly be a deteriorated one.

Kevin, I understand that you can’t promise me the export of my data, but we both know for sure that you can’t “guarantee” me anything either, so please avoid this kind of wording in the future.

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As I have been thinking about this, for me the problem isn’t “no app” or “no offline mode”. I can live with that. What I can’t figure out is how amazing the new memrise would have to be for me to justify using 2 sites a day to keep up with my learning. If I have to pick one, it’ll be the community stuff because there is so much more variety plus I can create my own. So… who is going to pay? Very curious.