Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

The problem is that from the technical point of view this experience is not going to be as smooth as via native app. Moreover, in that case you can not use offline mode which is crucial for many users.

Absolutely. But we are language maniacs and dictionary dope fiends, so this is a pretty heavy blow for us. :slight_smile:

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The world won’t fall apart. People will just stop using Memrise and will use that other things you just mentioned. The issue here is that memrise was really convenient to have everything on just one place.

And what you say that it could have been worst, that they could have just deleted them. Well, to be honest I think they wanted that. They couldn’t do it because the fire would have been worst for them, not to us. Eventually, because everything is on mobile now. Not enough people will get access to Decks and that will be their perfect justification to shut it down in the future. The same justification they are using now to separate official Memrise courses and the community courses. They say most app user don’t use community courses and that’s the reason they are separating both. They didn’t allow new app users to reach community made courses on the app in the first place. Do you see the situation here??
Since everything is on mobile now, and by mobile I mean smartphone apps. Decks won’t have many users and you can start telling Decks Goodbye.


This is only for those under 30 days. No option for those who have been longtime members.

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How??? Please help me!!

From what I have read here, a lot of users found that they had a better learning experience using the web-based version of memrise, anyway! And many found the app rather annoying, with its onboard keyboard that totally dumbs down the recall test. I regularly play Scrabble-type games, so anything with a list of letters is practically telling me what the word is. So, for “serious” language learners, the app has always been a bit of an unnecessary frivolity, because its testing methods make it far too easy to guess words.

There are loads of posts here complaining about the onboard keyboard that gives away too much information.

I often use the browser on my phone to access online dictionaries and other sites and I don’t have a problem with it at all. Once you have the shortcut on your phone screen - which will be made available - there shouldn’t be a huge difference to the previous (not very good) app experience.


Try looking here under “how to request a refund”:

I will be using it :slight_smile:


The problem here is not what experience is better or worst. The problem here is the access to it. Most people cannot have access to Memrise courses on a computer and the offline mode was really convenient. Probably not the best experience but it allowed them to study only when they could: when commuting to work for example. Do you want a good experience or the chance to study your target language? If you really want to study your language, you do not really care about what experience is better. You get that that will allow you learn whether it’ll give you the best experience or not.


You and few others. That won’t be enough.

The courses I most frequently use are really big - 3,000 words and more - and I never had any luck downloading them, to be honest, I always got a message saying that the download had failed.

What’s more, I am lucky that I have wifi on the local trains, so the offline mode has never been something I needed.

I’m not leaving memrise/Decks yet :smiley:

Let’s hope a few other people give it a chance and we’ll see how it goes.


Yeah, I remember those posts. I can not agree with them, because on the contrary I was very happy with the app. It’s just much more convenient. You can learn anywhere. :slight_smile: But see, we don’t have this choice right now.

It’s not a problem at all to create a bookmark. But to reduplicate this app capabilities (flahscards, audio, typing tests - you name it) in a browser is a whole new ball game.


You were lucky indeed. To have access to wifi on the train. In Mexico people do not have that luck at the subways at the capital. Not to mention those of us who live outside Mexico city. Also, people here do not have enough money to use continually a mobile web browser. Lucky you to belong to that privileged minority who for some reason happens to be unable to download such courses on your mobile phone while those less privileged could. Lucky you ^^


You are right that I am privileged, living in a country like Germany and near a big rich city (Stuttgart) that provides wifi on the trains.

And it does seem that the memrise team - which is based in London - has not considered that the offline mode on the app was helpful for people living in poorer countries with less mobile internet coverage.

That said, reading a book in your target language, or downloading a podcast on to your phone, would actually be a much better way to learn a language than using the crummy memrise app.


Please stop.If you let greedy companies do whatever they like they’ll keep removing things and making bad changes that nobody asked about.We users is was made memrise as big as it is so they shouldn’t treat us like that.


No. I have a right to say what I think. It’s called “free speech”.

I am not praising memrise for this, I just think it’s not as bad as people are saying it is.


For the people I know who cannot afford a computer or internet connection. At work I’m the only one with a computer and I share internet with a neighbor. For those who cannot afford having constant internet access to their mobile phones. Yep. It is as bad as they say. Only for you, and maybe a few others, is not that bad.

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I’ll try to explain in another way why so many users are infuriated. One girl in this thread compared her Memrise experience with love. I think it’s a good metaphor (honestly, I did the same in another topic). :slight_smile:

One more metaphor I can think of is a toy about which you had dreamed of when you was a child. And one day, when you are not a child anymore, you see this fancy thing and you are totally in love with it. It’s just exactly what you have been dreaming.

I don’t know, but I was so freaking happy with this app. Yeah, it’s childish, but to lose it is a catastrophe. I can not say for all the users here, but maybe that’s the reason of this anger.

Totally agree. :slight_smile:


that’s ok, you are a lucky one. But for many this is sad.

Buying books is a nice idea if you can affort that. I live in Germany, too and sorry I don’t got the money to buy all the language courses. And I don’t have a Handy with unlimited data-volume. That’s why I’m using these kind of apps and why I paid (it was in fact a birthday present) the pro version.

But I agree with you, for you it’s not that bad.


You are describing ME when I discovered the web version of memrise in May 2014, before there even was an app. It was exactly what I had been looking for! You could learn languages with so many different cues - audio, pictures, words, fantastic creative mems - I was also totally and utterly IN LOVE!!!

I wanted to tell the world about this fantastic new thing!!! (I probably did tell a few more people than I should have done LOL)

So, as a long-time web-version user of memrise, I found the app totally inferior to the web version. There is no way to make good mems on the app, for example, which is what MEMrise had been all about for me and many others.

I have tried some of the memrise courses for Swedish, Dutch and Danish, and there are some cute features with the people talking to you and the bright clean pictures on your phone. But what I have seen so far is gimmicky and superficial and the less common languages are not even getting any support when people report problems via the forum. Mistakes are reported and no action is taken. I haven’t tried the new grammar features as they are only available for languages I know already (German and French, I think, for example), so I can’t comment on those.

I hope the new solution will turn out to be less bad than some people fear.


Die meisten schwedischen Bücher, die ich habe, sind gebrauchte Bücher, die habe ich über eBay-Kleinanzeigen bekommen, oder über amazon, oder über Tauschticket. Da habe ich meine alten Bücher hingestellt und schwedische Bücher im Tausch bekommen. Echt coole Sache. Schau mal rein unter

Für meine Bücher habe ich wirklich wenig ausgegeben, da mein Ziel von Anfang an war eine neue Sprache zu lernen, ohne viel Geld auszugeben. Und memrise als Webversion ist ja auch umsonst gewesen.

Und von der Effektivität der Appversion von memrise halte ich als Sprachtrainerin und Sprachwissenschaftlerin (seit über 30 Jahren) recht wenig, ehrlich gesagt.