Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

Quizlet, but not as good as Memrise. No mems. They were another major feature that was for me the reason to move to Memrise, but I forgot what that was. And there is no Quizlet community or forum. That is absolutely important too.

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You can use it on any device that has a web browser – that includes a PC.

It’s never a good sign when the owner of a community starts segregating its user base to a different site. This smells like it’s a move made to offset financial troubles, or create a worse but more profitable experience for free users. User generated content is the lifeblood of memrise, and vastly outnumbers official courses in both popularity and in size, so you better be really, really careful what you’re doing with Decks, or this change could turn around to bite you in the b-hind faster than I crammed through my first 1000 words.


I don’t need mobile friendly website, i don’t have mobile internet so whats the point… we paid for offline mode for all classes, not only official ones…


Yes, there is:

Yes: there’s an official iOS app (by the creator of Anki) which costs a one-time fee, and an unofficial Android app (by volunteers) which is free.

Yes; you can use AnkiWeb to practise your Anki decks. It’s not as fully-featured as the mobile apps or the downloadable PC program and I haven’t used it myself but I’m told that some people use it nearly exclusively.

AnkiWeb is also what is used in the background to sync your decks between devices if you wish to do so.

I believe you cannot create any new decks on AnkiWeb so if you want to do that, you need something downloadable, whether a mobile app or a PC program. But once you’ve created the deck (or downloaded one from the list of shared decks), you can use the website to practice it.

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The only reason to be Pro was so I could use the difficult words feature on the user created courses. If I knew back then you were to do this, then I’d have paid just one year instead of two years… :expressionless::expressionless::expressionless: Do you have any idea how I’m feeling at the moment?!


Yes, I have. It was only 12 USD or so a year. But functionality was less (can’t remember what it was anymore), so I moved to Memrise.


What a pivot strategy the past few years have been for this website: we’re gonna take the reason people used the website, then pivot away from that! Must have taken some seriously college educated guys with fantastic powerpoints to rationalize that decision.

With the removal of the valuable content I’m glad to report finally memrise has completed its transition to duolingo-

(now that you’re moving away from community generated content may I suggest some further areas of untapped potential, for instance: a series of memrise brand learn-as-you-drive cassette tapes)


For those concerned about their courses I recommend getting the chrome extension Memrise on Steroids and using it to download an excel file of all your important courses just in case. Unfortunately it only works for text courses. If your course has non-text columns, like audio, pictures, etc, it will only download the links to them.


Those who like it or have no strong feelings either way are less likely to post about it.

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Much easier for creating courses. For learning I found Memrise better for me

The only reason to be Pro was so I could use the difficult words feature on the user created courses. I don’t use the mobile app and I don’t really care about official memrise courses. Since I will have all the features I need on decks and for free I see no reason to renew my subscription. Thanks Memrise :blush::blush::blush:


Does anyone know It is a flashcard app, but I have no experience with it.

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I have been using Memrise since 2014. It is the only language-learning app I use, and I love it - because it allows me to access higher-level community courses, and allows me to create and share my own bespoke courses.

This update is a terrible, terrible decision.

I don’t use Memrise for its proprietary courses, but I love it for the community courses. Decks will not be an adequate replacement. I do not wish to use a browser, however mobile-friendly - it is the app that I want to use. A lack of offline functionality is also a major blow, as I often use the app in situations where I don’t have internet access (e.g. on an underground train).

The decision to migrate to Decks is an abysmal one, and judging by the posts in this forum, will cause Memrise to lose a lot of its users - and with them, a lot of its revenue. I include myself in the above.

This decision curiously reminds me of my own country’s (UK) decision to pursue Brexit. A pointless, wasteful strategy that will do long-term damage, and will not solve anything.

I urge Memrise to maintain the status-quo - it works so well for your user base, that you would decide to ignore their overwhelming protests and proceed with this damaging decision is utterly baffling to me.


In unrelated news, I see you’re a 東方 fan too. You have good tastes.

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This is a disgrace. I paid for the app to get the courses offline and and now I won’t be able to, and on top if that in the email you sent out you have the audacity to claim almost nothing will change. Shambles.


I bought Lifetime Pro, about 2 weeks ago on Feb 6th.

Gutted and very disappointed. I work on a mine site and fly in and fly out every 1-2 weeks. It’s a 1 hour flight one way. I was using the Community Courses for my offline studying during the flights as of course there is no Internet reception - this is not a fancy commercial flight.

I would never have purchased Lifetime Pro if I knew this change was announced at the time of purchase. And because I purchased from within the App, I’m not eligible for the 30 day refund, but instead, Apple’s much smaller refund window.


That’s just how it is. Nothing to add. Please don’t make people stop using your wonderful app.


Yes! How can you make people pay for something and then just stop offering what we are paying for… I also paid for lifetime plan…


Y’know I feel like decks will end up just being a troll platform with more joke courses to count, as opposed to actual learning