Ignoring a mistake and accepting it as correct

Hi all, I want to let my students to decide for themselves if they’ve typed an answer correctly when reviewing. For completeness sake, the ‘answer’ is wordier than necessary, and I don’t want them to have to type the answer in its entirety to be correct. Is there a feature on Memrise for you to mark an answer as ‘correct’ even though Memrise says it’s wrong? My guess is no… and that makes me a sad panda :frowning:

If you are the creator of the course, you can add the short version of the answer to the Alts list, and it will be accepted just as well as the full one. If there are multiple possible ways of shortening the answer, however, you’ll have individually to list all of them.

This is not possible on Memrise, but there is a certain *cough* *cough* other platform that works in this manner exactly.

Hi @Eltaurus, thank you for your response!

I’ll add some alts then, thank you :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, setting up Anki is a logistical nightmare for a classroom (in my experience). I encourage motivated students to use it, but otherwise, I’m gonna give Memrise a shot :slight_smile:

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What causes the main problems?

“I can’t get it to work on [insert random OS and specific update-state]” (number 1 issue)
“It’s ugly”
“I can’t use it on my Chromebook”

I think my execution also needed some work, but the big problem is that so many of them are on Chromebooks so they’d need to have access to a computer at home, download the deck/Anki there, and then sync so that they can access from the browser. Even then though, the app is severely limited on the browser :confused:

Oh, I just imagined a classroom as a literal room with desktop computers (maybe I’m just old).
It’s true that Anki is less than ideal for mobile platforms. The android app is alright, but the web version is very rudimentary.
The ugliness, at least, can be treated to an extent.

I’m so bummed you can’t use Anki if you’re not the Admin on a computer. :frowning:

You can’t? That can’t be right. Of course, you need admin rights to install it, but once it is done, Anki should be usable by anyone, unless some functions were specifically blocked for you by the admin.
If the problem is the installation, and you can’t ask your admin to do it, you can make a portable Anki version (see this section). You’ll need to use some other PC for this task, but after it’s done, you’ll have a version of Anki usable anywhere.

I just thought of a method, that might be able to help with this. There are services that allow running android apps from a browser. If you combine it with AnkiDroid, it will make a more or less functional version of Anki accessible directly from the web.
Creation of cards would still be limited, but importing decks and reviewing cards would be possible without needing to use the PC version even once.

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Yes, some students did beautify their UI before we axed the project. I was told the other day that a student continues to use it, but for their math class. I still think that’s a win :slight_smile:

If it requires even minimal setup, they’ll resist and complain. Their default is Quizlet, which they can use anywhere. That’s why Memrise was ‘the next best thing.’ But that’s not saying much…

I am lucky to be welcome to study languages and tech topics while at work (time permitting, of course), so that’s the laptop I use all the time. I got the IT person really interested in Anki as a tool for the office and talked her into installing it, but once she researched a little and found out it was open-source, the answer was no.

That is a weird response :no_mouth: Is running the soft without installation prohibited as well?