I guess I am late to the party how do I find NON community created courses?

Until I got this email about moving community created courses I really did not realize there are two types of courses. I paid for PRO so why am I being moved to a FREE platform? What did I pay for? If there are Language courses created BY MEMRISE how do I find them? Everything I find under Italian is community created?

They planed that they were hiding community courses so they can manipulate the statistics to move community courses to Decks.

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Are you using the app or the web version?

Official: https://www.memrise.com/user/Memrise/courses/teaching/

Older offical Memrise courses (not visible on the course search) have been moved to Decks already: Official: https://www.memrise.com/user/Decks/courses/teaching/

Dunno how Ben’s courses are categorized in the future: https://www.memrise.com/user/BenWhately/courses/teaching/

@llggood you can check the course author on your course cards - if it’s an official course it will say ‘by Memrise’.

And as @Thomas.Heiss mentioned, you can also view the list of official courses here

@Thomas.Heiss yes Ben’s courses will be in Decks

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I see this link:


Is it what Decks will look like? Is THIS what you called "mobile-friendly? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Hello @llggood :slight_smile:
Complementing the information, you can use the direct link to the Italian courses:

You can see that the first 7 courses are by Memrise.

Nope they just put all those courses in a user called Decks to facilitate the migration to Decks.Decks website is not launched yet.

@llggood LOL I would have expected the exact opposite question. How do you find Community Courses on Memrise ?

For some time now any course you could “find” quickly and easily on Memrise is a Memrise created course. This may vary depending on the language or topic you are looking for. But has been the rule for over 3 years now.

You should have no problem finding (and paying) for Memrise courses many of which were inspired in the first place by the pool and activity of community (guinea pig) courses.

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You used to be able find them via the find button in the iOS/Android apps but Memrise removed this option – maybe they were too popular. So now you have to sign up for them on memrise.com for a short while – memrise wants to hide them into decks.com in mid-March.

Please stop posting this link, it is a site about outdoor design, obviously no connection with memrise. :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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