I correct some word but the "old word" still is showed as proposal

As you can see “multido, -idis, (f)” and “multido, -idis (f)” (with or without comma before the bracket) is the same “entry” but I just remove the comma… Why the “old version” is still in the proposal response ?

Thank you,


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Hi Axel,
unfortunatly it is an old bug, see here.

The last entry says that it won’t be fixed soon.

Just follow these steps and it will be fixed.

  1. Remove the word from the level it’s located in
  2. Remove the word from the database
  3. Insert the word back into the database
  4. Insert the word back into the level

The multiple choice will be regenerated. (This doesn’t work for audio multiple choice)

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This is incredibly frustrating! When will it be fixed?