How to turn the timer off?

@Mangozzz ~ This is both “interesting” and “weird”. Like @alanh ~ I too am not seeing this timer. But maybe, this is an instance like the logging out issue I encountered with the previous app version (which I reported in a recent thread, but no one else seemed to see it) where only some users encounter an issue. How or why that is, I have no idea.

@MemriseMatty and @Joshua were both tagged on this thread, and both work at Memrise (neither @alanh or myself do). Hopefully one of them can chime in as to what this issue is, and what it means (is it a bug, or a pre-maturely visible “feature”, etc.).

Memrise is currently closed for the weekend, so it would be Monday at the earliest before they can respond.

Can you verify that your friend is currently on the latest iOS version. (The version number is visible on the Setttings/About Memrise tab, on the bottom of the screen). The version I am using is 2.2.28 (2813). (You know that is going to be the first question Memrise will ask you if they contact you).

Thanks for reporting this issue. Let’s see how Memrise responds to it.

Edit: FWIW, My personal opinion is that I hope they don’t put a timer on the app (either iOS or Android), at this time or in the future.

Yep I checked its 2.2.28 (2813) maybe a glitch or something? I’m hoping in the next update it will go away. Also I’m not sure if I should update since I do not wish for a timer. I’m on 2.2.27

@Mangozzz ~ I agree with your decision to stay put. I would do the same thing if roles were reversed.

Hopefully Memrise will respond soon with some type of explanation for this discrepancy of what users are seeing with the latest iOS app version update.

Already did. 10 minutes and then you’re locked out for 4 hours unless you change your iPhone clock

It does it for me
Too, so go check you dang liar. I’m tired of this changing clock after 10 minutes shit. Get it under control. I’d post the screenshot, but it won’t let me paste and there’s no damn box to upload an image sooooooo

@jusjohnson11 ~ if you insist on getting overly emotional about this issue, at least direct your frustrations to the right people.

I do not work for Memrise, nor can I help you with this issue. Two Memrise staff members who could shed some light on this issue were tagged in this thread (if you read the thread comments above your posting you would know that).


@MemriseMatty ; @Joshua ; @BeaTrisy ~ any news on the status of this issue (the existence of a timer in the iOS app) ? Apparently some users are seeing it, and some are not. What’s the scoop ?

I think it is important to let users know what is going on, especially if a new update is forthcoming to resolve the pop-up Pro ads that shouldn’t exist. If one installs the update to fix that issue, will it then install a timer on the iOS app for users who don’t have it now ? That would not be good.

Please let us know what is going on. Thank you.

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Memrise should hire a community manager to answer the numerous dead topics rather than letting their users without informations.

I just canceled my subscription because of frustration on these many unanswered questions (hello? Anyone here? * * the inhabitants left * *)

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This “Timer” thing must be optional for users, however, its not.

Done, thanks.

Man I hate the timer, but I prefer using the web because it’s faster and easier to type. I don’t see why having an option to disable the timer in settings would be so bad or hard to add in.

I too wish the timer could be turned off on the web site.

I mainly have been using the app on Android but went back to the web tonight, because I was back to Oriya script and the small differences in some of these letters were proving to be too difficult to discern, even with my glasses on. As soon as I started doing on the web I remembered why I switched to the app.

I agree with the reasons stated above but another reason is that I like to multitask at times. Especially when I find myself memrising all day at the expense of other things I need to be doing. I like to see the next word, and maybe I answer it correctly and maybe I don’t, and then mull over the answer while I do something else…answer an email or open a piece of mail, or fold some laundry…then come back and test myself on the next word…

Or, maybe I need that time to try to come up with the answer while I get up and do something else. Many times I have come up with a word that took me a few minutes to fish out of my memory. When you finally pull out those deep ones it is not only really gratifying but also really good for remembering that word faster next time. But with the timer you can’t do that. I like the app because I can either do a Classic Review at my chosen pace, or do Speed Review. And I routinely switch between both of these modes on the app.

I understand and appreciate that Memrise is trying to find the algorithms that make people learn the fastest, but one size will not fit all persons and sometimes people know what they need. Default settings should maybe try to use these algorithms but the web page should allow for more custom settings, at the very least allow the timer to be turned off, please.

The scripts above don’t work in the latest versions of Chrome, to switch off the time you now require a manifest.json. Follow the instructions below to make it work in Chrome 63 and above:

Download 3503.user.js from greasyfork and put it in a fresh directory somewhere.
Put the following text into a manifest.json file in the same directory. (using notepad or similar)

“manifest_version”: 2,

“name”: “Memrise Timer Disabler”,
“description”: “Disables the Timer on watering & gardening levels in”,
“version”: “0.2”,
“content_scripts”: [
“matches”: [“”],
“js”: [“3503.user.js”]

Open chrome://extensions in Chrome.
Enable the ‘Developer mode’ tickbox
Click 'Load unpacked extension…'
Select the directory with the manifest.json and 3503.user.js

That’s it, the timer is now disabled again (as it should always have been).

Ill be needing to do this as well.

I have to practice writing the kanji before I answer the question but with a timer thats impossible.

and i can use my custom font scripts on mobile so…

I am not sure what your point is. Just telling that you need the script or some specific issue you’d like some help with, or something else?

Thanks, this script:

helped me to turn off the timer.

At first I installed Greasemonkey (but probably Violentmonkey or something like it will suit too), than just installed that script by pressing “install” button.

Now timer is turned off.

Welcome to the forum Vlad!

Because a lot of people complained about the timer, they added a button in ‘Settings > Learning’ which lets you turn it on and off. So it shouldn’t be necessary to add the script any more.


As mentioned above, the timer can now be toggled off in your settings on web. Simply go to and toggle Lesson timer Yes/No.


Thank you sooo much for allowing us to disable the timer. I like to actually type the answers and the timer added unnecessary stress and made me miss the answers so then I had to go through the “difficult word” exercises just to clear them. I’m surprised with all the complaints it took so long to remove it but I’m glad it was finally done.