Hi, I made a course of my own to learn for myself. The problem is that i don’t like those sections where you have to click a bunch of words together. I’d rather write the answer. How do i turn off that function?
I’m afraid that is no longer possible. Any phrase longer than three “units” will become a tapping exercise, whether you like it or not.
At least, that is how I have understood it.
You could use the script, Memrise All-Typing…
If you’re using Firefox, install the addon, GreaseMonkey. If you’re using Chrome, install TamperMonkey. Then install cooljingle’s script.
If you do this on any mobile devices then you are out of luck because they changed it as @amanda-norrsken stated. But on the web it works as @Kaspian said with the script. I am using that script and it works awesome.
On the courses I use, short phrases are always tapping tests. And they are community-created courses.
@neoncube it’s true what @amanda-norrsken says. all phrases with at least 3 words are tapping tests on mobile but typing on PC…I made these courses by myself for myself
in the web version they will get to be typing-only tests in the review phase (in the learning phase you will get some 4 multiple choice tests)
Ah, okay, I wasn’t sure.