How to show *all* Mems for a given entry?

It seems that only the top 6 or 7 popular mems appear. Is there a way to see all of the Mems ? In the smartphone version ? In the “standard” browser ?

I’m able to scroll through all mems when using a browser. Occasionally, I see items with 15-20 mems.

The last time I used the app, it showed only the 5 most popular.

Yes, same here. I mainly use the web version and rarely use the app, so get to see all the mems. Am I right in thinking that whatever you select on the web version as your chosen mem gets synced to your app. If so, maybe that’s the way forward for Panda and others.

Strange because I tried in the browser version for several items in different courses and I always got 7 mems.
Thank you for your time and feedback anyway.

Hi @Panda,

Have just checked some of my courses and it’s now the same for me, too. On each of the items I looked at, there were a maximum of 7 mems, in both learning and previewing modes. It used to be the case that you saw all of them - as stated here.

Has this bug been fixed yet? Been almost 1 year since August 2016 to now August 2017

Both PC Web Version and Android App can’t see more than 7 Mems

Also another unfixed bug - Mems created in Android App cannot be edited / deleted in both PC Web Version and in Android App

huh? huh???