Thank you! Both of the links are very technical and require programming tools and perhaps even programming skills. Actually, I saw one of the post before, but was turned off by its technicality. I am still grateful though that people make time and effort to make it, post the information and help others.
I was more looking for something that Memrise does itself because I noticed though, that for some of the items that I created, audio was automatically added. Not for many though. Where do these come from? Is memrise able to recognize words that are used a lot? And does Memrise already have a database of the most used words in certain languages?
If I can do something special (using the right spelling or the right tag or whatever), to trigger this for all words, that would be great.
Yes, most of the languages have a basic database which course creators can draw from and, depending on the language, many entries will have audio files already attached:
Have you tried checking around in the Korean area of the Language Quarters section in the Forum? There are sure to be people there who will be able to advise further.
Of course, I should ask there! Didn’t think of that. Thanks!
I got the add audio script working. Once I got to this Github page, it looked rather easy. The users in the forum are very helpful of course, but I was turned off by the sheer volume of links. That wasn’t need it turns out now.
Edit: I just discovered that studying through the web indeed generates audio. However, it does not add audio file to the database; that I would have loved the most, because then the solution would be permanent and also available when using the Android APP. Perhaps keep searching for the next solution.
And yes, I clicked on the ‘Korean’ icon, but did not find any difference - not new audio files appeared or so. Going to check the Korean language quarters.