How long would I become fluent in French?

Look by 2017 I started learning French on Duolingo it was hard I had to delete my account I finished learning French the whole course I finished in September of 2017 How long would I become fluent?

I finished other courses of French like Days of the week and I only need to finish learning the numbers

What is your definition of “fluent” and it depends how much time you spend on Memrise. 2 hours a day, 3? Also @Bryan_Otero, wouldnt you know this yourself

Hi Bryan,

my answer to your Polish question might still apply here: How long would I become fluent in Polish?

Fluent in what? Speaking?

Ok, you “finished” your DuoLingo tree. Hopefully not untouched in 2018?!
Do you know that you have to keep strengthening your skills to practice recognition and recall?
With the DuoLingo crown update there are now five skills levels.
You probably have finished just L1 in 2017, or you might have been migrated over to crowns L2-L3 for a few skills.
To practice more complicated sentences or translation into the target language, you might first have to reach the higher crown levels L4-L5!

How much study time have you e.g used on the Subjunctive topics (Present, Past, Future, etc.) yet?
Have you levelled-up any of the more complicated verb tense / grammar skills to a higher crown level?

Did you know that you can practice writing (translating) into French if you take the reverse tree French-English (even on crowns L0-L3)?

How about Memrise French 1-7?
What about 3000-5000 words vocabulary courses?

Are you typing on a smartphone? Where are all the “dots” in your small paragraph?

  • What is your native language?
  • Can you immerse with native speakers in the country?
  • What is your previous language learning experience?
  • How do you “study”? Where do you learn grammar? Book? Only DuoLIngo? Do you already train your listening skills to native recordings?

FSI lists French in the easy ~600 classroom hours table for English native speakers to reach proficiency.

I started with Portuguese (Brazil) in October 2016 - rated as an EASY language like Spanish/French - for native English speakers and I do not find it too easy with all the grammar (verb tense conjugations, Subjunctive) and for sure I am not yet well-trained in speaking and writing; even reading more complex texts (longer sentences, paragraphs,…) quickly show me my limits.

So not fluent at all (this all depends on the resources you are using and how and with whom you learn).

Q: How “fluent” are you in French? :wink:

If you stick to only self-learning - without any teacher drills or classroom conversations or italki & Co. teacher lessons - you may have to additionally add your personal factor to those listed numbers (maybe x2 or x3)?

For me as a German native speaker, it surely would take YEARS to learn any Slavic language with a grammar which is even rated more difficult than Romance languages.

For PT BR it probably will be more likely like 3-5+ years for me, as a bit more than 1,5 years have already passed.

Will I ever reach the same (higher) level - at least in reading and writing - as with English, which I have been learning as my second language more than 23 years? You guess! :wink:

I would like to suggest to take personal speaking lessons and you should also train your writing skills; you can do those interactively by chatting on platforms like,, etc.

Have you checked for English-French yet?
You can learn up to 3000 words (sentences) with “Lingvist Free”.
To learn the rest of the ~5000 words you would have to go for “Lingvist Unlimited”.


It seems like replying / tagging you was not working correctly.

Any news?

So I will try again: @Bryan_Otero