How does the review schedule is being affected when you make a mistake?

If someone can elaborate on that.

Also what does the lightning bolt indicates exactly?
On the app, I sometimes see a word being marked with the lighting bolt even without making any mistakes.
Does it go away after you answer one time correctly?
If you answered close enough, you are marked wrong, but still receive some points, what happens in this situation?
Does the app also recognize “close enough” situations?

How is the difficult words list is being compiled?
Under what conditions a word will be removed from that list?

At what stage do you receive 150 points on a question?
What streak do you need on that particular word?

if you never make a mistake, you’l reach 150 soon enough
it becomes difficult if you make a mistake
1 mistake like a typo can be a serious setback

Thanks, but that is not really adding a whole lot to what I already know.
I’m looking for specificity and in-depth information.

Post No 5 by Kaspian in this other topic may help you understand the SRS algorithm: Frequency that words are reviewed?

The lighting bolt is an indicator that a word has been added to your difficult words set. It follows an error (even a small one) during review. On the web version, you then need to review it correctly enough times to get it back to +2 for it to be removed from the difficult words set. The quickest way is to repeat review it via the yellow button.

With the web version, on completion of the planting cycle you will get 134 points for an accurate first review at the 4 hour point. The next review (24 hours) is the first time you get 150 points. It remains at that level until you make a mistake (see Kaspian’s explanation of what happens then). You then have to build back up to 150 points.



Say I answered it correctly 100 times straight without fault, and one time my mouse slipped accidentally.
Does the previous long history has no bearing at all?
Does the previous streak information is being kept or wiped from the database?
If it is being kept, then for what purpose since it is not being used for decisions making?

The thing is, that I am seeing this happen while doing speed reviews (I think so), without making a mistake. Does the speed in which you answer maybe has some bearing on that?

There is also a bug in the speed review, in which i can still select the answer even after the time has just passed, if it happened in a very close proximation to each other. I lose a heart but still get the points.
Is this considered wrong or correct?

No. We get penalised for any mistake, no matter how small. I don’t know if there is a userscript out there that would help you. You could try the forum search tool.

That sounds a bit odd but I don’t use the app version very much. It would be better if you asked these questions in either the android app bugs or iOS app bugs topic and tag Joshua in your post so that he can take a look.

If others have experienced something similar, it might be worth putting “difficult words” in the forum search tool.

Good luck!