I tried a new approach - I went to the top right (icon) and used the message envelope - typed an invite to a post and typed in a user (with and without) the “@”.
I got this message: “You must select a valid user.”
So I guess the system does not let us invite users of MemRise learning who are not already here in the Forum. QED.
Weird! It’s telling me I have those badges but showing other people that I don’t?
Does this site have a “write the admins” feature, or do I have to just search around the discussions to find an individual admin’s username and write them individually?
I got the invite from DW7! It appeared in my Email. I see that it also appears as a notification “pop-up” on my avatar on the actual forums, but to be honest, I never notice those. And no, I’m not upset at all, I thought it was fun. (It also seems that my emoticions are stuck on the foods category — I wanted to test them but it won’t let me navigate back to the faces .)
Thanks @widle. I have found that suggestions only pop up if the person is already on the thread, but not if they are in the forum.
Could you try inviting from the envelope from your avatar, ie not related to this thread? Make sure you wait long enough to be sure their name doesn’t appear.
Sorry to labour this guys, but thanks for investigating it.
So I have been told that the invitation to the thread did not send any e-mails (but a notification was waiting here after the registration). It probably works only internally, to notify people who are already users on this forum.
The Messages section seems to suggest people from the whole forum, but not the whole of Memrise. But I think I’ve run out of people to invite, so I can’t test actually sending a message outside.
Ahh, thanks, that’s an easy way to find out who the admins are. I think you mean that there is no “write the admins” feature here, so we need to just pick one of the admins arbitrarily and write them individually?
That’s not my experience. I have just tried it with a username that I know has been active in the forum but has not posted in this thread. The username came up as a suggestion after typing only the first letter.
@Lien or @Joshua - could either of you please tell us what, if anything, we have been doing wrong in order to invite a Memrise user who is not yet a member of this new forum? I have been advised twice by the Forum platform admin people that it is possible to invite people to a forum topic using either their username (if already active) or their email address (if not):
No, there is only the “Contact us” link at the foot of the “About” page. If you are currently stuck with ‘basic user’ permissions, I doubt that you will be able to PM one of the admins. [Edit - Sorry! As you have probably already realised, I gave you a bum steer there. ‘Basic’ (Trust Level 1) does, of course, give access to PMs. ]
An alternative would be to include one or other of their usernames in a post in this thread. That should alert them to your issue.
Yes. That looks the most likely explanation. The terminology is a bit vague. I’ve just tried inviting a couple of people who I follow on Memrise but who have not yet been active in the new forum. Both invitations failed.
Somehow, though, you were able to send an invitation earlier today and got the “invitation sent” message.
It looks like a Memrise user who is not yet on the forum is an outside user and therefore you can only use their e-mail.
Yes. That looks the most likely explanation.
But of course we don’t know MemRise course learners’ email addresses - so I will follow the suggestion given above and post in the Course Forum - thanks for all your help!
And thanks @alanh, you are right about suggested names popping up even if they are not in the thread - that seems how the invite seems to work.
This question has been bugging me for a couple of weeks now.
I myself was wondering how I managed to be semi-automatically set-up. I did not log in.
The system seemed to recognize the profile that I created and used a long while ago to reply either to Memrise blog articles which used the same profile as the one I had created for the old Features and Voting Forum. (also dissipated).
The system did NOT use my Memrise profile.
How do I know ? the picture. (and the initial name which changed via some automatic cron associating my Memrise profile alias after a few hours, clue same email, they could do that)
Just now, I tried to force a signup for a community.memrise.com page with no luck. It logs me in automatically.
The plot thickens.
How will “regular” Memrise people find their way to the forum, and if they don’t how can we invite them or explain to them how to do it?
Although, I’m not sure what a ‘newbie’ would actually see when they click on the link. Like you, I was set up with access to the new forum when it started up. [EDIT: To test it, I just opened a new Memrise account using a different email address. The link took me to the forum where there was an on-screen message saying they had sent me an email to validate my account. I’ve now done that and can access the forum in my new guise…mwahaha! ]
I think we have established that it’s not possible to invite ‘newbies’ from this forum, unless you know their email address. If there are people you would like to come here, what you could do is to post something in the course forums that are currently still linked to individual courses on the website. Hopefully, they will see that. But those forums are due to be taken down at the end of this month!
I hope that the Memrise Team will do something to give some publicity to the existence of the new forum - maybe via the blog, Facebook, Twitter etc.
I actually found this forum through that link, a few weeks ago. I was expecting the original one there, so it was a bit of a surprise. I don’t remember the details, but I think I just confirmed creating a new account or something.