Help! Add/ Delete Course Problems

I am a teacher and I recently learned about Memrise at a conference. I joined and created two courses for my students. They have finished the learning in their courses and I want to delete them off of their profile. I have clicked the x on the course and on my screen, it looks like they were taken away but they will not leave from my student’s profiles. They are also finding that when I add a new course, they cannot see it, they can just see the old courses. Finally, sometimes when a student gets an answer wrong, an inappropriate picture pops up, despite the fact that I created the course and did not put any images in it!
How do I fix these things?

This sounds like some kind of bug, actually.

@MemriseSupport @Joshua @BeaTrisy

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As I understand this: your are the course creator, but I believe that course creators have no control over what learners do or can see with their courses (except, that learners cannot change the courses in anyway, except it they are made contributors).

So, yes, you can remove the courses from your account, but the courses stay in the students accounts, until they stop learning them. But should they stop learning them? The SRS system’s idea is that they will retain and able to recall the information forever, and in order to that, they should do now and then do a (Classic) review, even if it is only once in three months or a year. Especially needed for weaker items, that they might have gotten correct on a (school)test, but that has no slipped out of their mind. You don’t want them to forget what you taught them, do you?

New courses the learners can add in two ways:

  1. By searching for the course title
  2. You give them the link to the course - when they start learning it, it will be automatically added (provided they are logged in).

How do I give them the link to the course? I can see where I give them the invite to the group, but the students have already joined the group. They can see the first two courses we have learned but not the two I need them to be working on now.

On how to send a link to a course: If you go to the screen with the courses and you click on the course (see picture), then the course will open showing all the levels. The link in the browser’s address bar you can send (e.g. by e-mail) to your students as the course they should study. It seems to be quite obvious, so you probably already knew that. In that case I am not sure what you mean with “How do I give them the link”.

BTW: you must be learning the course yourself, before you can add them to the group. Of course, you probably do not NEED to study them, because you know the stuff already, but for memrise, you just need to have started that course, so it is linked to you. Only then you can add it to the group. See picture.

To add a course:

  1. At item 3. , click on Choose a course to add and it gives all the courses you are studying now.

  2. Click on the course to be added. Done!

To remove a course from the group:

  1. Hover over the course, and a little cross will appear, where I drew the red dot.

  2. Click the cross to remove it from the group. Done!

Hope this helps. In case you still have difficulties, just message here again. Happy teaching!

Hey there,
Thank you for answering me and for the detailed explanation. I did know how to do all of those things, my question lies in the second part, adding the course. So I have done the part three, added the course (I began learning it myself so I was able to do this). It shows on my screen that all of my groups of students have it added but when they log in, the course that I added does not show up. Do you know why this is?

Do the two new courses that you want them to learn appear on your own dashboard? I think that with ‘groups’, you need to have started learning the course yourself in order for it to appear in the “choose a course to add” drop down menu on the Groups page that your group members then select from.

Also, did you solve the problem of occasional “inappropriate pictures” displaying after a student gets an answer wrong? It sounds like these are user-created “mems”. There used to be a separate section on “mems” in the FAQ area but it’s not there anymore. Mems used to be a key feature of the Memrise experience but they’ve been moving away from this of late.

There are a couple of options for managing them:

  • if a course item has more than one mem associated with it, the learner can scroll left or right to select a more appropriate one. It used to be the case that, when you had chosen a mem, it remained the one shown whenever you gave a wrong answer for that item but a recent change has meant that it’s now usually necessary to re-select the chosen mem each time. They never explained why. Maybe it’s to allow people to see if there’s [a newly added] one that is a better fit.

  • On the web version of Memrise, when an incorrect answer is given, the student can scroll down the ‘error’ page and select “go without a mem” and mems will not be displayed again for that item. Unless you scroll down, you don’t see the two check boxes!

  • If someone encounters a mem that they find particularly inappropriate, it’s possible to ‘flag’ it for attention by a member of the Memrise team. Once flagged, the learner will not see that one again.

Hope this helps. Come back, if not.

Edit: Sorry! Didn’t spot John’s helpful reply above when I hit “send”. :blush:Some bits of my post may still be relevant.

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Yes, the two new courses appear on my dashboard as I am half way through learning them. They also appear under my groups because I have assigned them to my groups but when my students log into their accounts, they can only see the first two courses we started. (They should now have 4 in total like it shows me on my groups dashboard)

Someone else looked into the inappropriate pictures popping up. I solved the issue by telling my students to stop learning that course and created my own with similar vocabulary.

There was some earlier discussion of what sounds like a similar issue here:

Are your students trying to access the new courses via the app or from the website?

We tried the app first and it did not work so we all went into the web browser and the updated courses were there for 1 or 2 students in each class but for no one else.

Yes, according to the FAQs, the group functions aren’t available on the app.

It may be a bug that needs someone from the Memrise team to take a look for you so I’m tagging @BeaTrisy for you. I’m sure she will know what’s needed.

Hope you find a fix.

That is certainly odd. I wonder what is different for those student. For example had the already added that particular course or something? Is it a browser-refresh issue? Perhaps it is difficult to get, but it would be helpful to have a screenshot of each type of students, one where it works, and one where it doesn’t.

PS: I suppose, once they started learning using the web, the course shows up in the app, and they can continue the learning using the app?

I can create a group as a ‘teacher’, but I am not a student invited to any group, so I cannot see how that should work. Could you invite me as a student to your group? Then I can see better how it works.

Secondly, as a suggestion, it might be helpful to create a second account for yourself as a ‘test student’ . Then you can exactly how it (should) look(s) like before you ask the students to do something. Might be helpful. (Note: if you login in a different webbrowser e.g. Firefox for the ‘student’ if you are using Chrome as teacher or vice versa, you don’t need to login and logout every time to test something).

No problem! Thanks for helping, too!

I am not sure how to add students to individual courses. I shared the link with them that adds them to the group (our class name) and they were able to see the two courses I assigned to this group in the beginning. We have moved on to a new topic in class so I assigned another course so that they could start learning from that one as well. However, it is the new course that is not showing up. Do I have to invite them to that course specifically?

Here is the link to one of my groups. Could you tell me which courses you see?


I’m only seeing two courses: “introductory French Vocab” and “French Body Parts”.

Are the other courses that you want people to join ones that you have created yourself? If so, what is the “status” of those courses currently set as (accessed from the “Edit Course” button, then “Details”)? If they are currently showing as “unlisted”, try changing them to “incomplete” and see if that makes any difference.

I didn’t think you had to invite people individually to specific courses but you could give that a try.

Hopefully, BeaTrisy will see this soon. The public holiday here may be delaying a response.

Good luck!

Hi Alanh,
Those are the courses my students are supposed to see! They also had Franco-ontarian and French 1 but I removed those from the group. Hopefully the glitch is fixed. If not, I will send a screenshot of the ones not working.

Thanks for checking for me!

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Hi @MadameYeo,

OK. It sounds a bit more promising but, if they’re still not seeing what they should be seeing,
maybe they could try a different web browser. I’m using Chrome.

Just for the record, here’s a screenshot of what I’m seeing:

I’ll delete myself from your group now.

If it helps to have more feedback: like Alanh, I can see your courses fine, too: Introductory French Vocab and French Body Parts.
If the can’t see them, I suppose they already tried to refresh (usually F5), not?

A suggestion: Now, I noticed that some of the courses have only about 26 words. In such case I would consider not creating separate courses, but new levels with new topics in the same course. That way students are also encouraged to review previous material (i.e. stretch the time span they will retain whatever they memorized). Would also solve this problem.